Thursday, December 29, 2011
Channeling My "Pisstivity" - Thanks Dolvett!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Even In The Darkness, There Is Always Light

Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christmas!!!

May you and your loved ones be blessed this Christmas! xoxoxo
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Positive Does Not Mean Perfect - Food For Thought

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Guac-in' Around the Christmas Tree

I received the cutest Christmas card from the great peeps at Wholly Guacamole. I'd scan it for you so you could see it...but my scanner does not want to cooperate. (Just one of the many ways that my computer is drving me crazy today...and why this post is so short.)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
I'm Dreaming of a Fit Christmas - Healthy Stocking Stuffers

Those of you who know me from the Bitter Orange & Brown blog already know how much I love to go all Weird Al and change up song lyrics to suit my purpose. (Don't worry though - I won't be sporting any creepy Al hair - or mustache - anytime soon.) Today that means taking White Christmas to another level. With apologies to Irving Berlin and Bing Crosby, who will hopefully not be rolling over in their graves after this, here's "I'm Dreaming of a Fit Christmas":
I'm dreaming of a fit Christmas
Unlike the ones I used to know
Want my belts to buckle
And the chance to chuckle
'Bout the way my season used to go
I'm dreaming of a fit Christmas
With every cookie I don't bite
May your days be merry and light
And may you keep the eggnog out of sight.
Dreaming of this fit Christmas also had me pondering my Christmas stocking. Every year my family and I have ours filled with plenty of chocolate and a couple of small gifts. All except for the holiday before my husband and I got married. I collected fast food ketchup packets for weeks and filled a stocking entirely with ketchup for him. But I digress.
I want some healthier goodies in my sock this year. A couple of small chocolate treats would be fine, but not enough to put me into sugar overload for the new year. So I've come up with the perfect stocking stuffers for your favorite fitness enthusiast (or me, if you place a cheery stocking on my porch...ha ha) so they can start 2012 off right:
1. Protein/Energy Bars These will give them the energy they need without the crash all of that sugar would bring.
2. Gift Cards for Trader Joe's or Whole Foods Eating healthy can get expensive on a tight budget, so your friend or family member would REALLY appreciate these!
3. Gift Certificates for Exercise Classes These costs also add up over time. Give the gift of spin, yoga, Pilates, or Zumba classes...or any other activity your loved one enjoys.
4. Non-slip Hair Bands It's a pain for women to have hair falling in their faces while working out, which I know from experience. Even when you pull it into a ponytail, shorter hairs fall or stick out unless you keep them in place with one of these bands. There are more expensive versions out there, but Goody makes some that work just as well...they come 3 or 4 to a pack for about 5 bucks and can be found in most grocery/drug stores.
5. Fitness DVDs When you can't make it to the gym or a class, DVDs are a lifesaver. My favorites are Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels workouts, along with the Dancing With The Stars series. You don't need a partner to learn the cardio/ballroom moves, and it's so much fun you almost forget you're working out.
6. Resistance Bands These roll up well enough to fit into a stocking, and are useful for stretching and toning when away from home or in a hurry.
7. ToeSox These socks are a necessity for Pilates. They keep you from slipping while you perform moves in various positions, but your toes are still able to function. They come in a toeless version, plus a full sock with separate, individual toe room. You can order ToeSox on their website, or go to a local Pilates studio since most of them keep socks on hand (or foot) to sell.
8. The Good Old-Fashioned Orange This is a tradition that goes way back, and it's always a healthy treat. Just don't get those "chocolate oranges" ...they're not all that great and defeat the purpose. Get the real thing!
This should help you shop for the people in your life who want to get or stay fit. Or you can pass this list on to your own family to shop for you. I hope all of your stockings are filled to the brim with healthy gifts!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Biggest Loser Season 12 Finale -What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Biggest Loser 12 Challenge: Finale Weigh-In!

Monday, December 12, 2011
The My Fitspiration Christmas Challenge - Are You In?

Maybe I'm really dreaming of a purple Christmas...

As you might be able to tell by now, Olivia and Hannah, last season's Biggest Loser winner and runner-up, really inspire me. And now they're looking to motivate all of us during the holidays!
A few days ago, the sister act know as the Purple Team posted a Christmas Challenge on their blog at My Fitspiration. The idea is to make sure we don't undo all of the hard work we've done in the last few months over the holidays. All you have to do is post a goal that you will achieve between now and New Year's Day. It doesn't have to be super difficult. The goal can be any type of healthy change that you will make during the Christmas season so that you can start 2012 on a positive note. Olivia and Hannah are all about positive changes, and want to help all of us achieve are goals and dreams.
My goal for the Christmas Challenge is to lose 5 pounds...along with limiting sweets and staying away from the diet soda. These are things that I'm already working on, but at this time of year I've always given in to too many Christmas cookies and desserts. 'Tis the season when I've always made the backslide into drinking diet soda again as well. This challenge will keep me on track and conscious of my choices. I can still enjoy the holidays without falling back into old habits. Since I have my final weigh-in tomorrow for the #BL12Challenge, I will use that as my starting weight for the Christmas Challenge.
So - are you in??? Just go over to My Fitspiration and watch the video under Christmas Challenge. (And watch the bloopers too...they're a hoot!) After watching, post your seasonal goal in the comments. Together we can make this a REALLY Merry Christmas!
Now...off to spin I go!!!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Biggest Loser 12 - Happy Homecomings and a Marathon Finish

Biggest Loser 12 Challenge: Holiday Success!

Monday, December 5, 2011
Finding Inner Bliss

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Biggest Loser 12: Makeovers and Motivation

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Biggest Loser Season 12 Challenge - Giving Extra Thanks!

The first weigh-in after Thanksgiving is usually stressful, not just for me but for most people I know. It's when everyone typically steps on the scale, sees a number worse than the week before, and asks why they had to stuff themselves on Turkey Day...and with the leftovers the rest of the weekend.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
A Fitter Black Friday - My Thanksgiving Continues!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Biggest Loser 12: A Happy Dysfunctional Family Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Biggest Loser Season 12 Challenge - Fighting Frustration
Monday, November 21, 2011
How Shoes are Get it Done

Sure some people will think this is vanity, but I have never felt so powerful, strong in a feminine way, and confident as I do when I have a perfect pair of shoes to compete in the either the work force or socially. Try it out...you are not vain, its human nature and its character building! Plus you look pretty bad ass stomping through Cleveland with some killer heels!
And in regards to other shoes...I believe if you love your shoes, that they are clean (you know what I am talking about), and that they have somewhat of a style, your self image will soar. Its easy, and to be honest, shoes are available at every price point in every market and probably end up being the cheapest accessory for any woman's outfit.
What do you have to lose?

Jenn Who Loves Shoes
Thank you Jen! I will be visiting your blog often, as I have developed my own love affair with shoes over the past few years. And yes...my husband knows all about it!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Two And A Half Jen

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Biggest Loser 12: There's No Team In "I", Or So We Thought

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Biggest Loser Season 12 Challenge - Getting Closer!

Sunday, November 13, 2011
Changing My Attitude - To Gratitude!
Yesterday was a day that tried my patience. I usually try to stay positive about things that happen in my life, but this time was a little bit different.
As many of you know, I design and make jewelry and sell my creations at craft shows and on Etsy. Sometimes at shows I run a special, offering sale prices to the people supporting the organizations that put on the events. A few weeks ago, I ran one such special and had a pretty good day sale-wise. I know in this economy people are watching their pennies, so I decided to offer the same deal to the people at yesterday's show.
Of course, each show is different so I didn't put enormous expectations on myself. I did, however, have the thought that I would at least sell a couple of items.
The morning began slowly, as it usually does because people sleep in on Saturdays and don't arrive until mid-morning or later. I always try to take this in stride. My friend Debbie, who shared the table with me, sold a couple of her novels early on so I was happy that she was having a decent start.
As the day wore on, other people around us were making sales while we watched. Debbie sold a couple more books. By 2 PM, I began to resign myself to the fact that I had not yet sold anything and the possibility that might not change. I always keep up hope...but also try to stay realistic enough so I don't get upset if it's a bad show for me. The lady in charge of the show came around to see how we were doing. Debbie mentioned that she couldn't complain because she'd sold her minimum goal, and this lady said that everyone was telling her they were doing pretty well that day. I said nothing. I didn't want this woman to feel bad that someone at her show had sold nothing up to this point. Of course as I look back, my silence probably said it all.
Just before 3 PM, a couple of ladies came to our table who seemed promising. One of them talked with Debbie at length about her books, while the other picked out jewelry on my side. She kept complimenting me on my creations and picked out 4 bracelets. She had me hold them for her, telling me she would be back to get them.
The show was set to close at 4, and for a while I was excited that I would still have a decent day in sales. It's not unusual to have last minute sales, so I let myself get my hopes up. I saw these ladies stop at other tables and look things over for a while. But then suddenly neither Debbie or I could see them anywhere. It was as if they had disappeared into thin air.
We tried to stay positive. It was possible they went to the ladies room or ran into someone they knew in the hallway. Yet 4 o'clock came and went with no sign of them anywhere. They had already left...and this woman had bailed on me.
This is the point at which I got a little upset. Debbie was too, and agreed with me that it was very rude to ask someone to hold 4 items for them and never come back. A lot of people promise they'll be back but don't - but none of these people have actually had the nerve to make us hold anything aside especially for them. What if I'd left those bracelets in with the others? I could have possibly sold those designs to someone else and made something. Instead I wound up at zilch for the day.
I actually held myself together pretty well until I was driving home. I thought about my family asking me how I'd done, and started to cry when I realized I would have to tell them I didn't sell a darn thing. That what always gets me the most...I hate disappointing my husband and son and wind up feeling like a failure.
I also think that had those ladies not come along, I would have been better prepared for the day not ending well. I wouldn't have built up my hopes just to have them come crashing down.
When I got home my family was kind, but just as upset as I was about the woman sneaking out the door on me. Even if she had come back to my table and said she wouldn't be able to buy them I would have felt better, knowing that at least she had some class to let me know and not leave me hanging.
NOW...here is where the GRATITUDE comes in. After giving myself permission to be upset for a little while, I decided to end my pity party and make a list. There are always good things to be thankful for, even if you have to really think about them. Here is my Gratitude List for yesterday:
1. I got to spend the day with one of my best friends, which is always a plus.
2. The school had lowered the price of the tables, so Debbie and I each got $5.00 back. That's 5 bucks I didn't have before.
3. The school provided lunch for the vendors free of charge. Not all shows do this, and I am grateful that I didn't have to spend my own money on lunch.
4. I was able to meet and talk to a local book publisher at another table, which may be helpful in the near future when my novel is ready.
5. Seeing all of the other vendors' creations always gives me new ideas and boosts my own creativity.
By the time I finished writing this list, my spirits bean to lift and I felt much better. Yes, it was still rude what that lady did, but once I counted all of the other blessings I wasn't really thinking about her. I was thinking about the good things instead.
So it's time to move on from this experience and on to the next, while learning a lesson and brainstorming what I might be able to do better next time. Whenever you're having one of those days, I highly recommend making your own Gratitude List. You will definitely feel better!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Biggest Loser 12: Iron Chef, Ranch Style