Ahhh...one of my favorite things about summer, fresh strawberries! I love having such a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables this time of year. I prefer fresh over frozen or canned, and buy fresh whenever possible. The fresher it is...the more I look forward to eating it!
This week I lost one pound. Any loss on the scale makes me happy, because I'm still moving in the right direction! This puts me at 180.4 now, and I'm going to break out of the 180's this week. 170's -- here I come!!!
This is the summer that I will finally learn how to swim. My family is getting season passes to a local pool and recreation area, and we will be in the pool a lot. I've always liked doing exercises in the water, and I will continue to do that. I'm also trying to set up adult swimming lessons for myself. I've been trying on my swimsuits in anticipation...and I'm down to size 16. I have a couple of suits in that size that I couldn't wait to fit into, and now I do!
Another perk of these season passes is unlimited use of their weight room and exercise equipment. I have plenty of cardio machines at home, but really need to get more weight training in. This is a Godsend for me, and I plan on taking full advantage of it.
Family Summer Shape-Up continues..this is going to be our healthiest summer yet!!!
Good luck with getting into the 170s! :o)
Thank you Patsy! Every time I look at this post, I crave strawberries, which is a step in the right direction...I'm craving healthy food! xoxoxo
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