Switch, fight...or both?
You know there can't be one without the other, at least not on Biggest Loser. Trouble is, I'm sick of all the fighting, backstabbing, throwing weigh-ins, and general nastiness this season. Of course everyone was mad at Daphne for switching up Conda and Jeremy, and Daphne was mad at the way she and her brother were treated. And the Black Team decided to sabotage their individual efforts beacuse a couple of people couldn't get along. I don't even want to think about those things anymore.
I'm going to focus on the positive of this switch. Conda and Jeremy learned a very important lesson from their trainers. When things happen that are out of your control or anything changes from the way you normally do it, you need to step up to the plate and do your best. Find a way to make it work for you. We all have challenges and need to remember this.
It so happens this lesson especially pertains to me this week. This past Thursday I started a new job. Since I don't have the flexibility my freelancing used to provide, I have to get used to and work around a new schedule - one that has me rearranging my sleeping, writing, and workouts to fit everything in. Thankfully I can still spin at the same time, and the studio is less than five minutes from work. I had to move Pilates from daytime to evening, and I'm trying to fit my other cardio in. I can't make it to the step classes I started in January, so I have to find what does work for me. Instead of stressing out about this, I'm actively pursuing ways to make it all work.
There are a couple of other good moments on this week's episode. Dolvett found a way to let Kim call her daughter on her birthday. Daphne went home and thrived, getting off some of her medications and moving into a new house. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention my fellow writer Cassandra, who read out of her old journal to Bob just how awful she felt about herself. Bob challenged her to speak to her former self, and she learned how important it is to speak positive and empowering words to yourself...and about yourself.
Those are the things I want to focus on this week - because all of that other drama and negativity makes me very sad. Let's all pull the positives from this week that we can, and hope next week is finally better in some way.
1 comment:
I had to stop watching the show. I used to watch it every week because it inspired me. Even though I don't have a lot of weight to lose, I thought that the message of overcoming those inner sabotaging thoughts helped me. Not any more. This season, I've just gotten more upset...I miss it, and I feel kind of sad to stop recording it. Maybe next season will be better.
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