On my journey of faith and fitness, I love seeing other people on theirs. Something about watching what they go through and the true transformation is more inspiring than anything else out there. For that reason and so much more, I can't help but salute LaRhonda Darby.
LaRhonda was featured on last night's Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition. All of the people on this show have inspired and motivated me, but with LaRhonda there is something extra special that makes me feel a connection. The heart of it is her faith in God - and that she is proud to show that faith to the world. See the picture of LaRhonda above? On the left side of her shirt she has written the words, "With God For Me, Nothing Can Stand In My Way!" And she is darn proud to wear that shirt on TV for everyone to see. (Hmm...I have a couple of plain T-shirts that could use a little writing on them. Time to decorate them with words of faith and empowerment!) I can truly say that this is why LaRhonda is so successful. She knows that on her own she has human weaknesses, but with Him she is strong. (I must also applaud ABC for letting her film in that shirt...a lot of networks would be skittish about "offending some people" and cut that footage.)
How else do I relate to LaRhonda? Well, I lost my mom over 16 years ago, when I was 28. She was right when she said you never get over it...you learn how to deal with it. I've been dealing with it for years, sometimes with food instead of healthier ways to work it out. One thing that really just sunk in for me over the last few months - my mom would want me to remember happy things, and she would want me to be healthy and happy. You can bet that LaRhonda's mom is watching over her...and she's so proud of her!
I love that God is using LaRhonda to teach us...He's so good at turning pain into something of beauty. (And humor...goodbye to LaRhonda's stomach "Bertha"!) Thank you dear LaRhonda, for sharing your journey with us...and thanks be to God for sharing you with the rest of us!