Friday, January 17, 2014

Join Me in the "Made To Crave" Online Bible Study!

It's time to do this - full out.

I read Lysa TerKeurst's book Made To Crave about two years ago.  It made an impact on me then, as it helped me get in the right frame of mind to lose weight by giving the issue over to God.  I've lost over 30 pounds since then, but something is still off.

I have about 60 - 70 pounds yet to go, and I want to reach my goal.  I've discovered that I still slip into old habits of eating under stress, especially sugary foods.  I don't always remember to ask God for the help I need to get everything under control, especially in the last few months dealing with an unusual schedule - unusual for me, anyway.  In addition to writing, working on getting my first novel published, completing writing assignments while looking for more, and my family's activities, I took on a part-time retail job because we really need the money.  My schedule changes every week, so I'm trying to fit everything in without losing my mind, especially without being able to having a relatively set schedule.  Sometimes I eat at odd hours, at times eating healthy stuff yet also grabbing whatever on occasion (more occasions than I'd like to admit).  I fit in workouts when I can...and I really miss being able to make it to spin classes on a regular basis.  I also miss my Pilates sessions, even though I do some mat work at home.  I've been going through some major bouts of insomnia because of the schedule and the stress.  And the more stressed I become, the more often I hit a drive-thru so I don't have to cook at 10PM, or I grab junk just to get something into my stomach.

It's time for this cycle to STOP.  So when this opportunity to read Made To Crave again, in conjunction with a Proverbs 31 Ministries Bible Study, came up...well, I literally jumped at the chance.  The invitation to participate caused me to get up out of my office chair and thank God.  This is exactly what I need right now, to get me out of this anxious and depressed rut.  Since I read the book the first time without studying the corresponding Bible verses at the same time, I only got partial help from it.  I feel that doing this in its entirety will be just what I need to finally get it together and make all of the necessary changes in my life to get to where God wants me to be. 

If you feel this will help you as well, I invite you to join me and many others in this online Bible study.  You can find out more and sign up here.  Let's make 2014 the year we do everything we need to do to be our best.  I'm excited to start - and hope you'll do it with me!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

So glad you are joining us. I'll confess, I've never completed MTC, but I am determined this go around! Blessings to you on this journey.
Lauren, P31 OBS blog hop team