Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Biggest Loser 13 - Red Makes Aqua Blue

Biggest Loser 13 Challenge - The Results Continue!

Monday, January 30, 2012
Beginning To Hit My Stride Again!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Biggest Loser 13 - There's No Whine on the Biggest Loser Plan!

Biggest Loser 13 Challenge - 3rd Week Results

Friday, January 20, 2012
My Take on the Paula Deen Diabetes Dilemma

By now you've probably heard a lot about Paula Deen and her diabetes. And if you haven't heard that much, you've at least heard something unless you live under a rock.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Biggest Loser 13 - Facing Off, Giving Up, Breaking Through

Biggest Loser 13 Challenge - Second Week Success!

Friday, January 13, 2012
Be Mindful - Just Say No to Stress Eating!

First of all, thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers yesterday. I'm happy to report that we heard back from our mechanic today and found out that it's not the engine. It's something that costs only $400 instead of $2000 - and I am VERY thankful for that. We will have our car back tomorrow afternoon, and I'm looking forward to being out and about again. For now, I'm watching the snow falling outside my office window, planning which DVD to work out with tonight (maybe step this time?) and thanking God for allowing us to have a bill that was 1/5 of what we thought it was going to be.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Working Through a Rough Day

I'm having a very human experience right now. Over the last couple of days I've done a good job of moving forward even when circumstances threaten to bring me down or stop my progress. My husband's car is at the mechanic's. It had to be towed there on Tuesday, and since then he's had to use my car to get to work, his bowling league, etc. On occasion when this has happened before I've been able to borrow a car for a day to get to appointments. This time that option isn't available, since other people need to use their cars...which I completely understand.
I couldn't go to my cardio class last night. So I popped in "Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred" in order to still get my workout in. I am NOT letting the lack of transportation stop me from my fitness goals. I also couldn't go to Pilates this morning. I really hate missing a session because it makes my body feel so much better. I'm trying out one of the Pilates DVDs that I've had for a while - one that I never felt comfortable doing before, but now that I've had instruction from Janice for a few months, I feel I can do it without hurting myself because I know enough to do it properly. It's still not like having her there to help me adjust, but it's better than doing nothing.
My husband just got home from work a little while ago. He spoke to our mechanic, who is still trying to figure out what's wrong with the car. It's not any of the usual issues so far...meaning the less expensive of the issues and easier to fix. It could still be something somewhat minor, but with the car having trouble for so long he thinks we might need a new engine.
We do not have money for a new engine. And we certainly don't have money for a new car. Both of our cars have been running on prayers for a long time. We've gone without air conditioning for 3 summers with both cars, only fixing what was absolutely necessary because funds are so low. We've been juggling bills for quite a while, paying for the neccessities and whatever would help us get healthy. We are staying focused on priorities.
I'm so thankful my husband has the job he has, because otherwise things would be a lot worse...and he loves where he works. It doesn't pay what the job he had been laid off from before did, but in this economy that seems to be the norm. I'm grateful for what we do have.
I'm also human, and frustrated that I've had trouble getting even a part time job to help out for over 2 years. I even applied for plenty of seasonal positions for the holidays, hoping to at least have a temporary respite from the money stress. No luck there either. So many people are in the same boat...and there are only so many openings available. I've had temporary part time jobs before, to help keep things going while I build my freelance writing career. And I have gotten some freelance work - not enough to be a full income yet, but definitely headed in the right direction. I'm more than willing to work an outside job in addition until I'm well-established. I do sell my handmade jewelry also...but sales are down because so many people don't have the money available either.
I have to state the obvious - this economy stinks, for us and so many other people. I'm having a really down day while doing my best to work through it.
The last time I had a rough day like this, a "friend" turned on me. Even though I am almost always positive, I wasn't allowed to have a bad day even though she was allowed to have them on a regular basis. The first time ever that I mentioned to her that I was a little stressed, she decided she had to re-evaluate our friendship and continually attacked me. This is the person I had to block out of my life. Nothing like someone who demands your support all the time, but the moment you need a little support they won't be there for you...right?
I shouldn't be afraid to be real and admit that I have a bad day sometimes. I always strive to be positive and keep working toward a better life. But like everyone else, I am human. Stress does occasionally get to me even though I fight it and press forward. Sometimes you just have to get things off your chest to feel better. And most people should be able to understand and relate on this journey of life.
I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me, because we all have stressful situations in our lives. I always support and pray for friends about their problems. I do my best to get them to think positively and do their own best.
But there are days I need that support as well. And this is one of them. Would you please say a prayer for my family and I? Prayer really does work wonders, and I would really appreciate it.
In the meantime, I know God is working behind the scenes even though things are tough. I will keep pressing on...but please pray for me!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Biggest Loser 13 - Big Gambles and Out Of Character Hissy Fits

If you thought there was a lot of drama last season...
Welcome to The Real Housewives of the Biggest Loser Ranch. Or what certainly feels a lot like it.
Let me start off by saying that I love the testosterone fest going on between Bob and Dolvett. It brings a whole new dynamic that makes for some exciting moments. I fully expected there to be some alpha male stuff this season with no female trainers in sight. (And I'll bet after tonight's episode Anna Kournikova is extremely happy that she's nowhere near the ranch anymore.) It would be boring if there weren't any competition at all between the trainers, and it's only human nature.
But tonight went over the line into grade school antics...from Bob, of all people. Bob's supposed to be the one who has always been about the good of everyone there. I love me some Bob - that's why it's so surprising to witness this hissy fit. He made it sound like Dolvett is only copying him and not making his own mark with the contestants. What's next, complaining that Dolvett is letting his peeps use the spin bikes or treadmills because Bob uses them?
Why would Bob do something so out of character? Well, we all have our moments when we have a bad day and say something that would never normally come from us. Or we meant it in a joking manner but it didn't come out that way and was taken seriously. What's worse for someone like Bob (or Dolvett, or Ali...) is that it's all being filmed. So the world gets to see a very human moment and judge as they will.
The other part of reality TV is - everything is edited for maximum drama. I'm sure there were plenty of positive things going on with Bob and everyone else involved. But the producers decided to focus mostly on the bad ones.
Like I said, I've always loved Bob and still do. I'm really disappointed that he threw a juvenile tantrum that was uncalled for, but I can't judge him since we all do it once in a while. If I want to be forgiven for an out of character slip-up, I certainly need to forgive Bob for his own. This is not something that he normally does...if he were constantly being nasty to everyone and not doing any good, that would be a different story. And if for some reason this was the editing department's doing and not his...if I were him, I'd be ticked off at being portrayed like that. The producers need to know that this will only turn off most viewers...who prefer only a little bit of drama and would rather see the breakthroughs and transformations of the contestants. That's what we mostly saw in past seasons and why people love this show. That's what Biggest Loser is really all about. Or SHOULD be. (Now I miss Season 11 even more!)
The initial poker challenge was interesting, especially since Week 2 is notorious for low numbers on the scale. The Red Team took a big gamble trying to lose 94 pounds for the week. And if they hadn't lost the bet, they wouldn't have had to give the Black Team a 5 pound advantage...and would have won their second weigh-in.
When it came time for the Red Team to eliminate someone, there was plenty of fighting among the players, most of whom voted to send Mike home since he wasn't trying his best and rude to some of the contestants. I have to admit, I got the same bad vibe from him - but when he finally admitted his weakness with tobacco and anger issues, I felt for him. (Also, I have to remember that we don't get to see every moment on the show, and don't know everything that Mike did or didn't do. There's more to him than a few choice TV clips.) Even though he couldn't bring himself to say it at first, it took a lot of guts to tell everyone that he realizes he needs help in many areas of his life. I'm pulling for him to overcome his issues, as it was plain to see that they really bother him and he used them to cover a lot of pain in his life. It goes to show that it's hard to judge another person when you don't know what their life has been like and what their struggles are. It doesn't mean you condone the way they act - but you can put it in perspective and try to support them as much as possible. (Without putting yourself in danger, of course.)
The bright moments of the week (yes, there were some!) were Chism's big weight loss, and Chris being able to give immunity to her husband Roy by having the highest percentage of weight loss on the winning team. He worked so hard so he could save her...but she wound up saving him, which was a sweet moment, and the only time I needed Kleenex this week. I also enjoyed nutritionist Rachel's trip to the grocery store with the contestants, in which I learned a couple of new things and discovered a recipe for a turkey breakfast burrito that I have to make!
Next week promises more drama, with contestants fighting and possibly clawing each other's eyes out. Seriously...can we just watch Season 11 all over again? Please? Or at least go back to the balance of some drama with a lot of motivation and transformation - which is what Biggest Loser was built on and what makes it special. There are already plenty of reality shows with catfights, and I'd watch those if that's what I wanted to see. Please bring back the positive Biggest Loser!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Biggest Loser 13 Challenge: First Week Results!

Monday, January 9, 2012
Inner Bliss 101

Friday, January 6, 2012
Pumping Up My Routine

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Biggest Loser Season 13 Premiere!

Happy 2012 - and welcome to the Season 13 Premiere of Biggest Loser!
If you saw the previews at the end of last season or during the holidays, you already know there are some twists to start out the season. Of course, Biggest Loser saved a couple of surprises for tonight as well. And I already like the vibe I'm getting from this group of players.
My Biggest Loser Season 13 Challenge - No Excuses!

Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year - My Chosen Word For 2012