Monday, December 27, 2010
God and Santa Were Good To Me!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas Fitness...and Caroling!

Monday, December 13, 2010
Weighing In on a Wintery Monday!

Friday, December 10, 2010
Life Lessons...From My Cousin John

Monday, December 6, 2010
Weather Is Frightful...But Fitness Is Delightful!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010
December Workout Playlist

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December Goals: Merry Christmas to Me!

Monday, November 29, 2010
Running On Leftovers

Monday, November 22, 2010
Success: Thank You God and Vitamin B12!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
To B or Not To B: Doctor's Orders

Yesterday I had the actual office visit with my doctor to determine why I'm so fatigued all the time. He had my blood test results from Thursday and gave me the news. Thyroid is fine, I'm not anemic...everything came out well. The only thing I was lacking was enough Vitamin B12. He had the nurse give me a Vitamin B12 shot, which I'm somewhat familiar with since my dad has to get them once in a while. Doc told me that I should started feeling better pretty quickly, and within 2 weeks I should know if it's working. If after that amount of time I'm still not feeling right, I will have to go to a sleep lab for an overnight observation.
Monday, November 15, 2010
My Ultimate Goal: No Regrets!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010
My Date With The Vampires

They wanted my blood...and they would not stop until until they had enough. A little bit just wouldn't do. No way. They had to keep draining more blood out of me until they were completely satisfied. At one point I thought for sure they couldn't be happy until every last drop of it was out of me.
My date with these vampires was early yesterday morning, and they charmed me with music and small talk while they sucked the blood out of me. My doctor had ordered a series of blood tests for me, since I'm fatigued most of the time even though I'm sticking with my healthy habits. I have an appointment with him on Tuesday, so I had to let these vampires disguised as lab technicians draw as much blood as they needed for all of the tests. It turns out they needed 3 full vials of it. Since I had to fast for 12 hours before the blood test, I was extremely lightheaded once they took my blood. Good thing there was a McDonald's around the corner, so I could get an Egg McMuffin and orange juice quickly into my system. I wound up with a headache later on in the day and had to lay down...I'm sure from the fasting and amount of blood removed from me.
On Tuesday I had some energy, so I had a pretty good workout. It lifted my spirits to be able to get moving so much! On Wednesday I did go for a walk, but I couldn't go at my usual pace. I had to slow down some, but at least I was able to do something. Yesterday was, of course, a wash because of the blood test and subsequent headache. So far today I'm feeling pretty good, and it's such a beautiful day here with temperatures in the 60's that I have to go out and take advantage of this gorgeous November weather. Soon enough there will be S-N-O-W!
I will keep you posted on my test results...it could be anemia, a vitamin deficiency, or even a thyroid issue. I'll know more next week, so I will keep on keepin' on in the meantime. Hopefully my vampire date will lead to a healthier me!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Fighting Incredible Chronic Fatigue

See the woman pictured above? Now think of her with blonde hair...a few years older and a few sizes larger. Then it would be a current picture of me.
You would think that with the improvement in my eating habits I would have all kinds of energy. I've been dragging a lot lately, not exercising up to my potential...or even close. My mind is telling me to do it, but my body is not cooperating. I keep trying to work out, and I do get some in, but I tire way too quickly when I've only been at it a short time. I'm taking a daily multivitamin, magnesium supplement, and omega-3's, but I still feel exhausted most of the time, even when I haven't gotten much done yet. I'll accomplish a few things, but then feel like I need a nap or have to sit and relax for at least a couple of hours before getting anything else done. This happens when I have trouble sleeping...but it also happens when I've had a good night's sleep. It doesn't seem to matter either way with this fatigue.
I've discussed this with several friends, some of whom are having the same issues with lack of energy. It seems that a lot of women my age, and even younger, are dealing with some form of this. The final straw for me was this weekend. I sold my jewelry at a craft show on Saturday, but by the time I got home all I wanted to do was sleep. It's not like I was very active during the show...I sat at my table, waited on customers, and stood every so often when I got stiff from sitting. I was not on my feet all day or getting any exercise, yet I was completely exhausted. This turned into a major headache, litereally and figuratively. Even the extra hour of sleep from turning the clocks back didn't help, and I had to scrap most of my plans for Sunday because I could barely move. Finally I watched the Browns win (whoo-hoo!) and got some laundry and editing done, but not as much as I needed to get done. I had to stop and rest, even though I'd slept for hours and should have been raring to go. My headache was finally gone this morning, and I'm trying my best to get my energy up. I suspect thyroid issues, but friends have also mentioned a Vitamin D deficency and anemia as possible culprits.
I called my doctor's office to set up an appointment. He's out sick today (I often wonder how doctors do it...staying well most of the time when coming in contact with so many sick people) but the nurse set me up for next Tuesday. I have an appointment this week to get blood drawn at their lab, so the results will be ready for Tuesday and my doctor can begin to help me with this. In the meantime, I'm not giving up...I will do everything I can to get as much done as possible and exercise as much as I am able. I forgot to weigh in this morning and remembered when I had already eaten breakfast, so I will do it tomorrow first thing. I have faith that God will get me through this and I will be stronger than before!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Work It Out, Baby!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010
On Being Human: "Let he who is without sin..."

Monday, November 1, 2010
What's on YOUR Plate for November?

Friday, October 29, 2010
I'm Pretty Good At Drinkin' Water! ;o)

Yes, I just heard that song by Billy Currington, "Pretty Good At Drinkin' Beer"...and I'm in a silly mood today. I was thinking how his mama would be so proud that he's reached such a lofty goal in life! LOL
I really am pretty good at drinking water. If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I tweet H2O reminders during the day on most days. Once in a while I miss one, or I'm gone all day on the weekends and don't tweet anything. I really need a Blackberry so I can give those portable water tweets! I get a lot of RT's and tweets back thanking me for the reminder...I'm so glad to help, and I know what it's like to get so busy during the day that you forget. I know when I forget, I don't feel as well as usual!
During that "vacation" period I took over the summer, I became pretty good at drinking diet soda again. I'd see my water bottle sitting there, pretend it was Rachel on Friends, and tell myself we were on a break. I did still drink water, especially on those days we were out at the pool, but it wasn't as much as I'd usually drink...and nowhere near enough for what my body needed. My health paid the price, as I became more sluggish and bloated with carbonated drinks.
I knew I had to get back on track. Thankfully my "Rachel" was still there for me, and as I filled up that bottle I swore I could hear her laughing at me and saying I told you so. Diet soda is a very rare beverage for me again, and it's amazing how much better I feel now that I'm back in my H2O routine. Our bodies really do crave water, and we need to give them plenty of it. A break from water is not a good thing, even if you do pretend you're on Friends. Just drink up!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Marie Claire Actually DEFENDS That Garbage?

Monday, October 25, 2010
So Hard To Resist...But SO WORTH IT To RESIST!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How To Rock a Cold

Monday, October 18, 2010
The Journey...To Handling My Stress!!!

Stress is not a four letter word, but it's still evil. In fact, I like to say that stress started out as a four letter word, but when it wanted to take over the world it expanded to six letters just to make things worse for us. There are actually some good things about stress, because if we never felt any at all we would just sit around and chill all the time...nothing would ever get done. In a way, stress makes the world go round.
But stress to the other extreme is just as bad. When we let it take over our lives, we panic. We discover that we have so many things to do that we give ourselves headaches, stomachaches, and other ailments. Sometimes we just say "forget it" and don't accomplish any of the stuff on our list. We eat, smoke, or drink, to make ourselves feel better...and forget about all of those things that still await us and need to be done. While it's good to take a break every once in a while to recharge our batteries, being in chronic break mode leaves us defeated. More work piles up on top of what we didn't get done yet, making the stack of stress even heavier to carry around.
There are times when it feels like stress is my middle name. I've thought about getting my middle name changed legally to Stress on my birth certificate, but that would cost money that I don't have and only add to my stress. Since I was diagnosed with psoriasis, I have discovered in my research on the subject that there is a strong link between this ailment and stress. I shouldn't have been surprised, but seeing it in black and white still gave me a jolt. The prescriptions that my doctor gave me are really helping, and I can see quite a reduction in the patches on my skin already. If I don't want to keep having recurrences, however, I'm going to need to learn to manage my stress better.
Part of this journey is discovering just how much I worry about things and knowing that I need to give that over to God. Keep working hard, listen for His instructions, and He will do the rest. Since He led me to hunt down my pedometer and start moving more, that has been helping with my stress and led to breakthroughs. I'm now up over 7,500 steps a day and going strong. Having this step goal to concentrate on causes me to think less about what usually makes me worry, and getting more exercise definitely relieves some stress. God is working within me in so many ways, and as long as I remember to take each step with Him, the stress enemy will not win!
Friday, October 15, 2010
God's Pedometer

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Keep On Walkin' It Baby....Baby Baby Baby

Monday, October 11, 2010
WHY Do I STILL Think This...and Positive Remembrance

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Autumn Workout Pleasures

You cannot imagine how happy I am to see the sun shining today! We've had several days in a row of rain, rain, and more rain. I was ready to cast the new sequel "Marie Almighty" with my fellow Clevelanders and go to Home Depot to get enough wood and supplies to build my own ark. On top of a couple of already stressful days, the constant downpour and gray skies were depressing, to say the least.
After being relegated to my treadmill and DVD player for the past week, I'm ready to get outside to do my walking and sprints. Soon enough it will be winter and I will be stuck indoors more often than not, so I want to take advantage of every nice day I can. Now that it's October, some of the leaves are beginning to change to their bright autumn colors; while some trees are still green, others have completely turned orange, yellow, and red. There's nothing like a brisk walk or run through the fall foliage, and the cooler temperatures are welcome. God is the true Artist, painting the most beautiful pictures throughout this world. He inspires me to create, and I thank Him for the gift of words that He has entrusted to me. I can only hope and pray to use this gift to the full potential that He has in mind for me!
The weather and fall scenery are already putting me in a better mood. I can't wait to go outside in a couple of hours and enjoy every minute of my workout. Thank you God, for this wonderful world, and please help me do my part in making it what You want it to be!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Eh...What's Up Doc?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Treat...or TRICK???

Monday, September 27, 2010
Photo Motivation

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
More Songs For Your Workout Playlist!

Monday, September 20, 2010
Slow But Steady...Still Gets To The Finish Line!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010
What Dream Would You Follow...

Monday, September 13, 2010
Get Fit, Get Healthy...Get Bon!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010
Dealing With Rude People During Workouts

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I Wanna Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-UNDO IT!

Monday, September 6, 2010
Definitely NOT Cardboard!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010
Shoe Love IS True Love...My Wish List!

The other day I told you I found some new running shoes that I just have to have. These are the ones...Nike Dual Fusion in Green/Blue. It has everything I'm looking for in a running shoe, and exactly the color combination I want. It's not just because these are 2 of my favorite colors, but they would actually coordinate with quite a few of my running/workout clothes.
I'm sure I'm due for a new pair of shoes, because I've had my other ones for quite a while now and they are really starting to wear out. For now they have to go on my wish list, because I don't have the money for them at the moment. I'm going to start saving for them, and if I don't get them before Thanksgiving they are going on my Christmas list for my family to get for me.
I'm going to keep a picture of these shoes by my computer and refrigerator, to keep me motivated and help me work toward my goals. I'm already starting to feel much better, and I'm not as winded as I was a week and a half ago when I discovered that I let my healthy eating plan take too long of a vacation. My regular workouts are back, and so are my nutritious menus and recipes. I will be sharing some of these with you along the way, as I find really good ones that are healthy and taste great.
But for today...I'm pressing forward, and dreaming of my new running shoes!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Beating The Heat...In My House!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010
HUGE Season Finale!!!