This week on The Biggest Loser, there was all sorts of drama as usual, but I came away with 2 very important lessons. First of all, Stephanie had a rough week because a few of the others in the house were speculating about her. They questioned whether or not she threw a weigh-in a couple of weeks ago, and it hurt her deeply because she knows she is not that kind of person. I'm sure we all have had people question our character at some point in our lives because of misunderstandings or just plain meanness. If you haven't, it will happen at some point, because we are all human. Stephanie taught me that even when this happens, you have to stay strong as the person you know you are, and keep on being you and moving toward your goals in life. It's going to hurt, but you can't let it affect the way you live. You have to move on and stand tall, because you know who you are, and so does God.
My other lesson came from Melissa, as she came back into the game. Two players got to come back. Victoria was voted in, and the other person would have to win a 1,000 step challenge. Melissa was determined to get back into the game, as everyone should be. She focused on what she had to do, getting ahead of everyone with her steps. She felt pain as time went on just like the others, but she was not going to let it stop her from reaching her goal. She won the challenge, and taught me that you must keep your focus and determination in order to succeed. It was just the extra kick in the butt I needed this week!
I have to add here...how awesome is Wayne, the man who was inspired by Biggest Loser and lost 418 pounds at home? He weighed well over 600 pounds, and he was determined as well to get back to living his life and regaining his health. We can all learn from him...and think about his success as we reach for our own goals!