Meet my newest friend. I picked up Runner's World about a month ago at the bookstore, where I was waiting to meet a friend for coffee. I got there early, so I started to read through the magazine. I'm newer to running, having walked on the treadmill or outside all the time. I'm up to a very fast walk, but I know I have to get running so I can be ready for these races that I'm planning on doing, especially Race For The Cure in September.
I was very impressed with the articles and information I found. Whether you are a beginner, expert, or somewhere in between, there is something for you here. They offer running tips, review shoes, and even talk about boosting your confidence level. Also covered are subjects like nutrition, stretching, and ways to prevent injury. Anything and everyting you want to know about running is here. The website is a wealth of information as well, please check them out at www.runnersworld.com.
I have started going outside when weather permits and running sprints up and down the small hill in our backyard. It's going well so far, and soon I will be out there running full force, and you won't be able to stop me! Thank you Runner's World!
i want fast abs !!!!!!
looks like a good magazine
I keep getting emails about free copies of Runner's World magazine, but it's only available to US residents. No idea how they got my old email address!
Good job with the running!
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