Friday, February 26, 2010
Body By Marie...With A Little Help From Jake

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010
Motivational Monday...Friend(ly) Inspiration

My husband and I have good friends who live in Park City, Utah. The gentleman grew up here in Cleveland and has been very good friends with my husband ever since they went through their school years together. He moved to Utah for his career, and met his wife out there. We've been there to visit, and I hope we can go back very soon to see them. Right now we keep in touch by phone and Facebook, and see them when they come to town to visit his family.
One thing that is so inspirational about them is their commitment to staying fit. They are always running, working out, and serving healthy, nutritious food. I will never forget hiking through the area when we stayed with them out there. We went the easy way, since my family and I are not as conditioned as they are, but I was still huffing and puffing along the way. I will say that I am proud that I never gave up...I was 217 pounds at the time and determined not to lag behind. I kept up fairly well, but it was my wake-up call to just how out of shape I was. (Maybe I do have my very own Bob and Jillian...and they live in Utah!)
This wonderful couple runs half-marathons, which in the Utah terrain is quite an accomplishment. Our friend skied quite a bit when he lived here, but he is in his glory in Park City, with a longer ski season and amazing runs. He was even on Ski Patrol for a while. Their kids are all very active and eat a very limited amount of junk food. In fact, they actually prefer to have an apple or some veggies for a snack, rather than sugary or greasy foods.
I am using this story of my Utah friends to motivate you for this week. They motivate me all the time. I have a picture from our trip to Park City on my fireplace mantle...It's me standing with my son and one of their sons, at the top of a lookout area when we were hiking. It not only reminds me of how heavy I was then and how far I've come...but also that when I set my mind to something (like keeping up on a hike) I can do it!!!
Now for my weigh-in: I only lost .4 pounds this week, taking me down to 189.4. I admit that I celebrated Mardi Gras a little too much, living up to the Fat Tuesday name. It actually did make me feel sick after eating too much that day, so now I don't even want to go near those foods! I'm still over 27 pounds lighter than last year on that day...and I KNOW I will not be fat next year on Fat Tuesday. So in a way, I'm realizing just how much more I enjoy healthy foods now...like my friends and their kids. Sometimes a binge day like that teaches you quite a bit. Next year, I will celebrate Thin Tuesday!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fat Suit Thoughts

For the record...I LOVE the movie Shallow Hal. Of course there were the fat jokes throughout, but I felt they were necessary to show how a lot of people view those of us who are overweight. Since the movie also showed how one man learned to view people for their inner beauty, I watch this movie often. (Yes, I have the DVD...it's probably almost worn out.)
Another funny thing about this is that I often use Shallow Hal as motivation for me to release my "inner Gwyneth Paltrow". A couple of weeks ago on Facebook, everyone was supposed to pick a celebrity that they resembled. Some of us couldn't figure that one out as easily, so we asked our friends their thoughts. One of my friends actually did say Gwyneth...and his words reminded me once again of this movie. Of course I am ME...but maybe there is a little bit of Ms. Paltrow waiting to come out! ;o)
Now, another friend reminded me today of something I often think about. A lot of people who have never had a weight problem do not understand what it's like to go through life with all of the extra pounds. We've seen not only Gwyneth Paltrow, but also other actors and actresses, don fat suits to play a role...or to walk the streets with hidden cameras to show how they are treated by people when they are "fat". These people get to unzip their fat suits at the end of the day and take them off. They remove the double chins and go on with their lives. Yes, they've learned something from the experience, but we who have to live with our weight on a daily basis can't do that. We have to work to have the pounds come off gradually...they don't just disappear overnight.
Now, some of my friends do understand even though they are thin...because they have learned that eating junk food makes them have less energy and not feel so good. They may be a smaller size, but they learned the nutrition lesson in all of this. Others still don't understand. They think if you've started to eat right and exercise, you should be all set. There is more to it than that. We have to deal with the issues in our brains that made us this way. If it were simple, we would all be thin already!
So just remember, the weight doesn't not come off in one lump sum...it comes off in layers!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Motivational Monday...Pursue Your Dream

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Food Is Fuel

Last night on The Biggest Loser, I learned some valuable lessons from the Olympic athletes who helped train the contestants for the week. So many of these competitors have been through a lot to get to where they are. They bounce back from injuries, and overcome what others would perceive as disabilities to accomplish great things. We can overcome all of our obstacles as well, as long as we adopt the attitude of champions, who know they can do whatever they set their minds to.
The other very important lesson I learned was actually something I already knew...but really finally clicked last night. The contestants were shown what the different types of athletes eat at the Olympic Training Center. The daily caloric intake varies, depending on what sport they are in. Some need more carbs or calories, some need less. It all hinges on what foods fuel their bodies best for maximum health and performance.
This demonstration reminded me how I need to think of food as fuel. It is not something to be used to relieve stress, make myself feel better, or just fill my empty stomach. A lot of the comfort foods I was used to are junk and definitely don't make my body perform at its best. I have to choose the proper nutrients to energize myself so I can get all of my tasks completed, including exercise, to the best of my ability. I need to ignite the fat-burning furnace within my body. I know I've been pretty good about it, but when I had a stressful week I still reached for the junk food more than I should have. I really needed to make that click in my brain, and now it has.
I need to fuel my body for maximum performance...I may not win a gold medal at the Olympics, but I will still be the winner of my own life!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Motivational Monday...Being Brave

Monday, February 1, 2010
Motivational Monday...Does Soul Searching Burn Calories?