This has been another week of looking deep within myself to find just what I'm made of. I'm finally peeling back those layers, one by one, and understanding more of what makes me tick. (I feel just like Shrek with the onion!) Sometimes it's painful, but always enlightening. I'm not as anxious as I used to be, and I don't let strange comments or small-minded people get to me like I did before. I realize that those things are much more of a reflection on them than they are on me, so I see what I can learn from the experience and press on ahead.
So...does soul searching burn calories? Maybe not in the traditional way, but I know since undertaking this journey I want to treat my body better because I've discovered that I'm worth it. Because of that, I eat much better, work out a lot harder, and have strengthened myself on the inside as well as the outside. Soul searching makes me do the things that burn the calories...and that is something I can be proud of!
Now for the weigh-in: Today I weigh 190.4. I lost one pound, which is good since my monthly gift is here, and I did treat myself to one piece of cheesecake last Monday evening when I went out to dinner with my old high school friends. (And yes ladies...I did do that extra hour on the treadmill to run off the cheescake!) Allowing myself that one treat was good, because then I didn't crave the sweets and carbs the rest of the week. Next week...the 180's, watch out!
For a motivational person this week, I challenge you to find someone close to you who inspires you. It could be a family member, friend, or neighbor....or even someone you see out running everyday on your way to work. I know I have friends who are out exercising, no matter what our crazy weather is like at any given moment. Find some motivation in your daily life, and go with it!!!
Very beautiful entry...
Hi Marie! This is a great post! I think you are my inspirational person this week! I've been trying to get back into the exercise thing for years now and am having a hard time. I appreciate this post, and I hope I can look into my layers and finally acheive some goals I've wanted to acheive but havent' dont anything about in a long time.
BTW, I tagged you over at my blog, it's just a fun thing: http://alannaklapp.blogspot.com/2010/01/ten-things-that-make-me-happy-ive-been.html
Thanks again, Marie, and Happy Writing!
Thank you ladies! I think we all have that journey is some way...whether we need to lose weight or not! :o)
Well put, Marie!
Genial post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.
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