Today is a VERY happy weigh-in day for me. After a few weeks of losing less than a pound, staying the same, or gaining half a pound, I'm seeing some real success. My scale proudly told me this morning that I lost 2.4 pounds this week!
I have to attribute this success to the Vitamin B12 shot that my doctor gave me on Tuesday this past week. He told me that I would probably feel the difference pretty quickly, and he was right. About 24 hours after receiving the shot I felt somewhat better. It's been almost a week, and each day my energy level has improved upon the day before. I've actually been able to get most of my workouts in, and I even spontaneously dance to the radio at times. It's so nice not to be dragging all the time!
Thank you God for leading me to a solution to this problem, and thank you doc for the B12. If you'll excuse me...I need to get up and dance now! :o)
YAY!!!!!! congrats on the weight loss! and yay for b-12! so glad to hear your feeling better!!!!
Thank you my dear! It feels good to be out of zombie mode and moving forward! :o)
It's wonderful when something works! But the reason for my post is to applaud you for looking into what you can do to move forward rather than taking low energy as a "reason" to abandon your plan.
Thank you so much...I've come too far to just go back to the old way! :o)
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