Welcome to the month of November in the year 2010! It's the first day of the month and time to set goals for the next 30 days. I know October flew by for me, and it feels like the school year just started even though first quarter report cards just came out. I'm so proud of my son for his stellar grades in all of his enriched classes!
If you made it through Halloween without eating too many treats and tricking your body with all of that sugar, congratulations! If not, it's time to make a plan to stay as on track as possible. Food temptations don't get any easier now, with Thanksgiving on the way and Christmas festivities gearing up. On top of that, there are so many things that need to get done during the holidays that workouts can fall by the wayside if we're not paying attention.
This time of the year is always special for me, yet still challenging with all of the holiday foods and running around getting everything done. Therefore, I've set some goals for myself for the month of November:
1. Find ways to make Thanksgiving recipes healthier. I already do this with my pumpkin pie, but I need to find recipes to lighten up other foods.
2. Pick a couple of special foods that are my favorites, and make those my indulgences instead of stuffing everything down. Speaking of stuffing...that's my main indulgence! I need to savor those treats...and not fill up on other stuff that isn't worth it to me.
3. Find time for exercise every single day of the month. Who says I can't get on the treadmill while I'm watching football? Maybe I can rack up as many yards as those running backs and wide receivers...sounds like a way to challenge myself! I still need to schedule in my workouts; it's even more crucial with a packed holiday schedule to make the time and stick to it.
4. Remember the real meaning of Thanksgiving. While food and football are holiday traditions that make us feel good, the most important thing is getting to spend time and bond with family and friends. It's all in the name...give thanks to God for his grace and mercy, and all of the wonderful things He has done for us!
There are so many things piled on our plates for November, both our dinner dishes and the wider plates of our daily lives. With prayer and goal setting, we can both survive and enjoy the holiday season!
I love the idea of racking up as many yards on the treadmill as the guys we're watching on football! Sounds like your November is going to be great! Congrats! :)
Thank you! It's a great way to stay motivated! :o)
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