It's been a real challenge in more ways than one, which include my vehicle situation. At one point last week both cars were in the shop. It turns out that my husband's car does need an engine after all, and it would be better to get another car. With our finances they way they are, we have to borrow money from family for a down payment and get something used to be able to afford a small monthly payment. We are still pricing vehicles, and a friend of ours was able to lend his truck so my husband could get to work and we would have at least one form of transportation.
When both cars were out of commission, I had no way to get to my Pilates, spin, and other activites. I was even stalled in job hunting because I would have had no way to get to an interview or start right away if that were the case. I certainly still worked out at home, but I missed seeing my friends at class. It really hurt to miss Pilates two weeks in a row because of the car...and it hurt even more to miss spin for the first week ever.
So this morning I stepped on the scale to see a .4 pound loss. I'm actually pretty happy with that. I did the best I could with what I had to work with, and it's still a loss. I didn't gain or stay the same. The scale still moved in the right direction.
The good news is that after 5 days without my car I have it back. Thankfully the bill for this one wasn't too bad, and since my husband is using his friend's truck we can both get to our appointments and activities now. I'm back to job hunting after a few days away from it, and able to go to spin tonight, my other cardio classes, and Pilates on Thursday!
I feel surprisingly upbeat after going through all of this. God always provides a way, and during the period when I was stuck at home he provided time for soul searching in addition to more time to write and edit. And now He has provided temporary transportation while we shop for a car. Back when I had that rotten day, I must have gotten it all out of my system. That's not to say I won't still have challenging days, but I'm handling them much better after venting (as calmly as I could) - to God through prayer, and to my friends who provided an ear and some prayers on my behalf. True friends know that we all have issues to face and occasional rough days...and that it's a two-way street in supporting each other. I'm always happy to be there for my friends. It's such a blessing to know that they have my back as well. I always knew they did, but it means even more after the debacle with that certain "friend" recently. You learn who your true friends are and what real friendship is...and there is an amazing gift in the lesson.
So I go into this next week of the challenge stronger, more confident, and more courageous than before. Onward and upward!
How did you do this week? Please share with me here or at #BL13Challenge on Twitter!
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