GREASE is the word...not in my food, but on stage! Friday night my family and I got to see the touring production of Grease at the beautiful Palace Theatre in Cleveland. The reasons I wanted to see the show are twofold: I've always been a Broadway musical addict, and I wanted to see my favorite American Idol, Taylor Hicks, as Teen Angel.
The entire cast was amazing, and brought out another of my dreams more clearly...to sing on stage in a musical. You have to be in good shape to perform daily or twice daily in a show, and watching all of them just made me commit to my fitness program with more passion. One of the things I've always admired most about Taylor is how his passion for music and life comes through, and that inspires me all the time. My son and I got to meet Taylor after the show (pics to come...I'm still in the Dark Ages and have to have my film developed) and not only is he a gentleman and a sweetheart, he is in his best shape ever. Though it never mattered to me that when he was on Idol he was told he needed to lose a few pounds (and that goes for all of the contestants for me as well), you can see that he committed to improving himself in every way and it shows. I know it helps with his nonstop life, and that's what I want...to have that kind of energy to accomplish everything I need and want to do, and then some!
Seeing Grease on Friday really helped me over the weekend, since we went to Columbus so my son could bowl in the state youth tournament. Having my thoughts from the show in the back of my mind (no...really in the FRONT of my mind) gave me extra strength to pass up rolls with honey butter at dinner, and to stick to mostly water for the weekend. Usually going on a trip is my downfall, where I give myself license to eat whatever I want and drink a lot of soda because "I'm on vacation". Not this time! I stepped on the scale this morning and celebrated the loss of another 1.4 pounds, and my new attitude toward life. Bring it on!
Certainly I would love to play Frenchy in Grease, especially because it would mean getting to work with Taylor...but my ideal role is Donna Sheridan in Mamma Mia. Currently I would qualify for the lead in Hairspray, although they would really have to add weight to me so I could fill out the costumes. Losing over 35 pounds so far, I would actually be too thin to be Tracy without padding. (This is a good thing!) There are so many roles I dream of playing, and that is a dream I will fulfill. I'm no "Beauty School Dropout"...I'm on the road to accomplishing my goals!!!
Good luck to you in all you set out to accomplish! Loved reading your post.
Signed, a Taylor Hicks fan. :-)
The year I met Taylor Hicks on TV, I had so many responsibilities on my plate I was about to lose all control. That mans life and journey to win AI inspired me to get it done. And his singing and performing gave me the ability to relax when I needed it.
I've never heard a voice like his and his determination inspires me.
Thanks so much you guys! I agree 100 percent. Taylor has inpired me from the beginning, and still does! xoxoxo
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