I was anxiously awaiting last night's Bigget Loser finale, along with everyone else I know. This has been a season jam-packed with emotions and inspiration. I was sure the finale would take my breath away, and I was not disappointed.
The first order of business was for Alison to announce whether Daris or Koli would be the third finalist. America voted...and the spot went to Daris! I was so happy for him...not just for that, but he now has a girlfriend. She is just gorgeous and he is really hot now. Even Alison was taken with him as she just stared at him!
Next on the agenda was Shay's Subway Challenge. If you remember, at the last finale Subway pledged to pay her $1,000 for every additional pound she lost by this finale. Shay lost 52 pounds since then. The famous Jared came out with a giant check, telling Shay that the amount was left blank because they have ANOTHER challenge for her. Subway will double her $52,000 if she completes a marathon. She agreed to the new challenge, so we can keep rooting Shay on for the next finale.
In groups of 4, all of the players competing for the at home prize came out in their finale outfits, then went backstage to change into their tank tops and shorts for the weigh-in. For a long time Sherry held the lead, and it looked as if she would take home the $100,000. Then Darrell came along and took over the lead. His lead was short-lived, as Koli was the final player on the scale and took the prize. All in all, Koli still did well even though he wasn't voted into the final 3.
Finally, it was time for 3 finalists to come out. Since we had already seen Daris, Ashley came out all in pink and looking gorgeous. I really do relate to Ashley and Sherry, as they remind me of my mom and myself so much! Sherry was crying as she watched her daughter take the stage, showing how proud she was of her. They both have so much to be proud of. Then out comes Michael. The exact words that came out of my mouth at the time were, "Holy cow! Look at him!", to which my son responded, "Holy crap!" As I'm sure you can see by the picture above, Michael is just plain hot now, and you can see his happiness and newfound zest for life in his eyes. Now it was his mom Maria's turn to cry tears of pride.
The final 3 all came back out in their weigh-in clothes, and Daris went first. (Michael got to pick the order since he was the top loser on the ranch.) Daris lost almost half of his body weight. Ashley was next, and she also lost almost half of her body weight...and beat Daris by less than 1 percent. Finally, Michael stepped on the scale, and he lost just over 50 percent of his body weight, to become the Season 9 Biggest Loser! He laughed and cried as his family came up to him with the confetti falling down. What a season!
I am inspired more than ever, and will be replaying the finale in my head over and over again to keep me motivated. And we still have more motivation coming...Losing It With Jillian starts next week on Tuesday!!!
Wow, I didn't even know that Jillian was starting a show.
Yes...it starts June 1st and she spends week with different families to help them get fit in all areas of their lives. Should be interesting! :o)
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