I am a firm believer that music and dance can help you learn more about yourself. This point was proven to me once again on Tuesday night, while watching So You Think You Can Dance.
As you know from reading my previous posts, I have been doing a lot of soul searching in order to life my life to the fullest. One particular dance on Tuesday night brought one of those "light bulb" moments to me. This was a Contemporary piece, choreographed by Stacey Tookey and danced phenomenally by Kathryn and Legacy. Kathryn was a woman trying to fight her fear, with Legacy representing that fear. Every movement brought out strong feelings in me, as she kept wrestling and fighting her fear, finally pushing that fear right into the ground.
I saw so much of myself in this dance. It all started coming back to me...all of the times that I let fear control my life, which prevented me from accomplishing great things. I know this all started when I was a little girl. My parents were very protective of me, especially since I was their only child. There were a lot of things they would not let me do, for fear of physical or emotional hurt. I don't blame them; they loved me so much that they wanted to protect me and thought that was the way to do it. They didn't know, so they did their best. I wound up being afraid of taking risks...and until recently I hadn't taken very many risks at all. I'm getting better about that, and this dance made me realize that there are some fears still holding me back. God has put some wonderful friends in my life, who are helping my realize just how much potential I have and how much I have to share with the world. I am so grateful for them, and I wish for all of you to have these kinds of friends in your life.
I am now working on moving past those remaining fears and pushing them right into the ground. Thank you to Stacey Tookey for her brilliant choreography, and to Kathryn & Legacy for their amazing performance. You have all touched my life forever, and I'm sure you have also touched the others who watched as well.
If you would like to watch this incredibly moving dance, you can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po417XoP0O0 Maybe it will help you reach into your own soul and confront your fears. I know it got to me!
I would LOVE to be able to dance but my lack of coordination, rhythm and balance makes me too anxious about making a fool of myself and letting go! Sad, huh?! :o(
I so love this show!!! I just wrote a post on how in the past I let my weight dictate how I lived my life. I think a lot of that has to do with fear.
Keep on dancing...
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