Now that it's the 3rd of November, I need to set my goals for the month. This is not only the most wonderful time of the year...it's the most fattening time of the year! (Well, if you let it be, it is!) I am taking on November first, but then I will also plan for December.
These are my goals for the month of November:
1. Stay far away from my son's Halloween candy
2. Resist the temptation to buy all of those wonderful pumpkin treats and other goodies that are now out in the grocery store
3. Find healthy substitutes for those treats...have already found a couple of good pumpkin recipes
4. Drink a lot of water!
5. Find time to exercise every day...I can do something even on the days I'm most pressed for time
6. Enjoy small portions on Thanksgiving and not get stuffed like the turkey
7. Order a healthy lunch at our annual Black Friday shopping event (I know some of my shopping buddies are reading this, so I want you to hold me to it!)
8. Use music, writing, and other non-caloric ways to de-stress
I may add to this list as I think of more. These are the things that usually set me back in November, so it's time to tackle them head on. I also want to say that I already make my pumpkin pies with fat free condensed milk, and they taste even better than the original. I also plan on staying accountable with my friends who are also on this journey. We can help each other through the holidays...there is strength in numbers. Here's to a healthy November!
Here's to a good November for you...am sure you can reach your goals as I believe whatever you set your sights on can be achieved if you want it badly...
Oh my goodness... I remember my first visit to America in 2005. I stayed with a friend and he made me pumpkin pie - something I'd never tasted before. He said it was his 'speciality dish' and he wasn't kidding! How yummy is that stuff?!? lol
Thankfully, it's practically unheard of in the UK, although I've got him to 'thank' for getting me hooked on peanut butter and concorde grape jelly sandwiches - again, something I'd never tried before. I must have led a sheltered life! ;o)
Good luck with your goals!
I like #8. I need to follow your lead and find non-caloric ways to occupy my time and de-stress. This is a very stresssful fime of year. And there is so much going on. Your plan looks solid and good luck.
Well, I plan on walking OFF more than I eat on Black Friday. Also, the place where we usually eat has ruined my lunches 3 out of the last 3 years, so that will help me calories wise! :)
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