If you follow me on Twitter, you've probably seen my many posts and retweets about Joanne. I knew nothing at all about Joanne before last week, when another Twitter friend retweeted about Joanne's situtation. Being that she has the same last name as friends of ours, I was immeditaely drawn to click on the link and find out what was going on.
Joanne Heim is a 38 year old wife and mother, beautiful both inside and out. She lives in Colorado, and on January 11th she suffered a stroke while on her treadmill. She's been in the hospital ever since...the doctors induced a coma to relieve the swelling in her brain. They are slowly weaning her off of that so they can see how she does and what the next step is. The latest update is that not much has changed and they are adjusting her medications again...she may or may not have to be led back into a coma. Her family and friends have an extremely strong faith, but this is all very stressful and frightening for them and they could use your prayers.
Joanne is also a Christian writer, penning her blog "The Simple Wife" and a couple of books that are on Amazon. If you go to the top right of my blog page and click the "Praying for Joanne" button, it will take you to her blog, where her husband and sister are currently posting updates. Go back a little further and read Joanne's own thoughts; you will be moved and inspired. Also on her page are links to her books and other ways you can help her family through this difficult time.
May I also add here...I have a couple of friends dealing with a cancer diagnosis who could also use your prayers. My dad is doing very well, but he's still waiting for the results to come back from the lab so please pray for him as well. God is very pleased when we lift each other up in prayer!
Sending positive thoughts to Joanne and your friends.
Hope you're ok, too...
Thank you Patsy...the latest news today is that she is starting to open her eyes a little bit!
I'm doing all right too... (((HUGS)))
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