Have you seen the commercials for this new show on ABC Family? I was intrigued the minute I saw the first one, which wasn't even on TV...I took my son to the movies to see Marmaduke and one of the many previews was an advertisement for HUGE. The day after we went to the movies, I started seeing the ads on television regularly. The more I saw it, the more I liked the idea. HUGE is set at a weight loss camp, and follows several teens and the staff as they discover who they are and how to really live life. Most of us will really be able to relate to the characters...I myself was an "overweight" teenager, and I really wish there had been a show like this when I was growing up. No matter what size any of us are, from size 0 all the way up to 20 and beyond, we all have struggled or currently struggle with our self image and self esteem issues. Even those who wear single digit sizes stress and obsess over how they look.
Speaking of sizes...did you know that the clothing and modeling industry consider anyone over a size 8 to be in the plus size category? I learned that a few years ago when I took modeling classes. Our entire class was learning how to be plus size models, and some of us wondered why there were two rather slender ladies there. That's when we found out that both of these women were size 10's, and that's considered plus size. Are you kidding me? No wonder everyone's self esteem is shot!
The show stars Nikki Blonsky, who played Tracey in the latest movie version of Hairspray. Also in the cast is Hayley Hasselhoff (yes, David's daughter!) and I got to see an interview with her last night on Access Hollywood. This girl has a great head on her shoulders, and she has a healthy self image even after hanging around the Baywatch set as a kid. Now that's a strong young lady! We even saw part of her regular workout, and her body is as strong as her mind. She knows she will never be a size 2, and she's perfectly OK with that. This is the kind of role model that young girls should look up to!
I really can't wait to see the HUGE premiere on Monday night at 9 PM. Right now I love going over to their website at http://abcfamily.go.com/shows/huge and checking everything out. They give you tips on how to take care of yourself by eating healthy and getting exercise, without stressing out about the scale. I'm really impressed by all of the resources on this site. You can also like HUGE on Facebook (I still miss "becoming a fan" LOL) and follow them on Twitter @ABCFhuge. Please check out the site and let me know what you think!
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