Every week on The Biggest Loser brings out all kinds of emotions in me, but this past Tuesday really hit home with me in a couple of ways. It was the light bulb going off in my head, not once but twice.
When the black team wound up going home for the week, Danny had a moment when he realized that he became so different from the person he was 15 years ago...someone he didn't even recognize. He is determined to get back to that person he was: ambitious and full of life. I recognized myself in that. It has also been 15 years for me, and it started when my mom had cancer and then passed away. I had lost all the weight a few years before that, but it all started coming back on during that time. I miss the woman I was before...and slowly but surely I'm finding her again!
My other epiphany moment came when Jillian was working with Daniel, and she knew something was bothering him deep down...something that was holding him back from his fullest potential. He had a breakthrough moment when he realized that in the back of his mind he was still hanging on to childhood feelings about his mom. When she would get on his case to lose weight, he would get mad and eat even more. He now realizes that she was doing it out of love and trying to get him healthy, and he wants to make it up to her now.
Even though I am doing well on my weight loss journey, I know that there is still something inside of me holding me back from going all out. I'm proud of how far I've come, but I really want to tap into my full potential and be my best. I'm doing a lot of soul searching now, trying to figure out just what is holding me back. It may go back further than 15 years, or it could be something more recent. I don't know yet...but I will figure it out.
I am so thankful for The Biggest Loser. Not only do they working on eating and weight loss, but on what's eating at the contestants. This in turn helps me on my journey, in weight loss, health, and life!
Hope you figure out what is holding you back from fulfilling YOUR potential...
Patsy :o)
I pray you get what's bothering you sorted out as you so deserve a good happy and healthy life.
I've come to know the person you are - never seen you physically...all I can remind you is that you are more than your past...try live in the NOW...
great post girlie! everyone at one point or another wrestles with the demons within and feel held back from thier full potential-i am so glad you are realizing this and are taking control of your life and trying to recognize the obsticals in your path in order to know how to get through them....
this of course remids me of what i have written underneath my blog post
"The greatest tragedy of man is never reaching or realizing his full potential-dont talk about it,BE about it!!!"
you are on your way chica!! so proud of you!!!!!!!!!
I TOTALLY felt the same way. As I lose more and more weight, I think I get scared of "who I will become". Like daniel holding on to the childhood feelings for his mom, I hold on to the my past too - where I was constantly trying to lose weight. It's been part of my life for 15 years. It's been a slow adjustment to shift my thinking and eating, but I'm slowly but surely getting there. Glad to hear you are too! That was a big moment for me too during that episode. A lightbulb went off in my head, just like you! :)
Great post Marie. I'm working on the same thing right now. There is something deep inside of me that I'm trying to find, that is causing me to continue to sabotage myself. I need to find it, and step on it. I live in the present moment as much as possible, but that is my concious brain, my subconcious is hiding something from me :)
You will find it! And so will I.
Thank you...we all have to do some soul searching at times, so I guess it's my turn. We are all on this journey together! xoxoxo
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