I have an elliptical machine at home, which is basically like brand new. I've had it for a couple of years, but never did more than a minute on it every now and then because I wimped out and felt like it was too hard for me. I kept saying that I would start using it more once I lost some of the weight and my body could handle it better.
Well, I decided that the elliptical would be my challenge for this week. I'm going to do at least ten minutes on it, three days this week. No chickening out allowed! I did the first day yesterday, and my legs were killing me. I did five minutes, stopped for a minute, and then did the other five...so I completed the entire ten minutes. Tomorrow is the next elliptical day for me, and the goal is to go the whole ten minutes without any break.
Now, I am also still doing the treadmill or exercise DVD that I would normally do, just adding this new challenge to it. I've been doing really well with my water intake, and eating more fruits and veggies. I am determined that this is going to be a great week!!!
Woo Hoo! The elliptical is my MOST hated machine at the gym. It's torture!! Good for you for attacking it! Great mission. :)
I wish I had a elliptical at home, its the one machine I use at gym...for an hour at a time as it burns so many calories...then of course I love the treadmill...would love to have my own gym set up at home...I do have the space, but getting out is important otherwise I would be stuck in my home all day.
Good going...
Betsy says it's the most hated machine at the gym, and I didn't know that! I've ALWAYS hated it, and I can only last 10 mins. I RARELY would use it, but it was so popular at my gym. Good for you for choosing it, and from experience I know 10 mins is a good work out!
Great goal, Marie! My bike is also and elliptical, and its a pain! Good for you for wanting to tackle it! You can do this!
GREAT JOB! u'll work your endurance up in no time - i'm excited to keep reading about the progress. Keep it up!
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