Monday, November 21, 2011

How Shoes are Get it Done

As part of the Ohio Blogger's Association's Cleveland November Blog Swap, I'd like you to meet my guest blogger for today, Jenn at Love Me Some Shoes. Many of us who call Northeast Ohio home are participating in this blog swap today as a way for you to get to know more of us. For a complete list of today's Blog Swap participants, please visit Alicia at Poise in Parma, who rocks for organizing all of this. If you would like to see my guest post for today, I'm over on Julie's blog Wearing Mascara. And Julie's post is at Jen's. Got it? Good - hope you enjoy! :o)

Wow-a whole day on someone else's blog...could get dangerous! Thanks, Marie, for this stellar opportunity plus your blog is pretty awesome! So, lets get to it-by popular belief, many believe high heels are detrimental to your health...lets be honest, sure they might cause a little soreness (but if you are following Julie's tips for a healthy lifestyle, your ankles, calves and body should be able to take care of itself as long as you are smart about your heel purchases). I am here to tell you why they are good for your health. Hopefully, by now we have all learned that confidence is a key ingredient to life...did you know heels can you afford this in your daily life? Case in point, I recently had a job interview that I thought was a little above my experience level, but I knew I needed a to boost my confidence. I needed to bring in the big guns, and live on the edge...

These beauties may look a little lethal but when properly sized and belted in are nothing but little soft grey clouds-honest, I swear. And there I had it, POWER SHOES, I walked, no rather, I strutted into my job interview in Westake, knocked them dead, impressed the women in the office, and put another notch on the old self confidence belt. Needless to say, I start December 5th! So long, old boring job.

Sure some people will think this is vanity, but I have never felt so powerful, strong in a feminine way, and confident as I do when I have a perfect pair of shoes to compete in the either the work force or socially. Try it are not vain, its human nature and its character building! Plus you look pretty bad ass stomping through Cleveland with some killer heels!

And in regards to other shoes...I believe if you love your shoes, that they are clean (you know what I am talking about), and that they have somewhat of a style, your self image will soar. Its easy, and to be honest, shoes are available at every price point in every market and probably end up being the cheapest accessory for any woman's outfit.

What do you have to lose?

Thanks for taking a look and check out more at And again, thank you, Marie!

Jenn Who Loves Shoes

Thank you Jen! I will be visiting your blog often, as I have developed my own love affair with shoes over the past few years. And husband knows all about it!


  1. I do believe shoes can boost your confidence level! Congrats on the new job and nice to "meet" you, Jen! Now I think I'm off to buy me some high heels....
