Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Biggest Loser Season 12 Challenge - Fighting Frustration

After today, there are only three more weigh-ins leading up to the Biggest Loser Season 12 Finale. It's crunch time...and right now I want to crunch something.

I worked REALLY hard this week. I had dinner out with my friends but stuck to the Weight Watchers menu at Applebee's. We had one Thanksgiving dinner this past Saturday, because my nephew's band is playing the the Macy's Parade - but I ate mostly veggies and lean turkey with only a little bit of carbs. I stepped up my spin classes and other workouts. I stayed away from soda and drank plenty of water.

So what was my reward on the scale this morning? A .2 pound loss. That's right. All of my hard work barely got me anywhere. I usually try to stay upbeat when I have weigh-ins like this, but with this challenge getting down to the wire I got so frustrated that I actually screamed at my scale.

I wish I could say I had a pet that stepped on the scale with me and threw off my numbers, but I'm allergic so I can't even go there. I weighed myself undressed, after going to the bathroom as usual. I stepped on the scale 4 times to be sure. Still the same result.

After getting dressed and leaving for the grocery store in a bad mood, I decided that I needed to make a list of non-scale victories before I lost my mind. I have to move past this. Here are my NSV's for the week:

1. My pants are still getting looser and I can see in the mirror that my love handles are smaller.

2. Last night, my spin instructor told me he can tell that I'm getting much stronger.

3. I could have really splurged on my girls' night out and early Turkey Day, but I stayed in control.

4. If I had splurged on those nights...the scale would have gone in the wrong direction.

5. Everything I did this week was still a step in the FIT direction.

So I'm feeling better this afternoon about my progress. I realize that there are weeks when we do everything right and it still doesn't show on the scale. I have to press on and keep it moving!

How did you do this week? Please share your victories, both on and off the scale, here and at #BL12Challenge on Twitter. Hopefully the scale was kinder to you!

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