Friday, June 6, 2014

Working On My Running - Making a Commitment

I think I've finally found a way to commit to a 5K - with no looking back.

My running really never got off the ground before, so to speak.  I still do a lot of walking and spinning, but even though I've wanted to "graduate" to running, I always let other things get in the way.  My weird schedule and lack of time are two of my biggest excuses, and while they do have some merit I know there's a way to work around them. 

There has to be.  I can't let outside stuff get into my head and stop me from moving forward.

So I made a commitment that will force me to follow through in the only way I knew how - publicly.  I'm a local columnist for my town's Sun News, and a lot of people in my community read my words.  When I discovered that North Ridgeville is hosting a new race on November 1st AND the money from it would go back into my community, I decided to jump in feet first. No, that's not quite right - I prayed about it first - THEN added my feet into the mix.  AND I wrote about it.

With so many people reading about my commitment to run, I know I have support.  Friends, neighbors, and coworkers will know about it, which will help keep me accountable to myself and my goal.  The dream is not just in my's out there for the whole world to read!

With the race being at the beginning of November, I've given myself plenty of time to work up to 3.1 miles. I am starting now - not waiting until October to train, but gradually getting stronger day by day for a few months before debuting my stride in front of a crowd.  This is not something you cram for like a big exam, and trying to do it last minute could only cause injury or stress.  Since I am going to do this, I want to do it the right way.

Please check out my column "Running down a dream: North Ridgeville News and Musings" and follow my progress both in the Sun News and this blog.  I will keep you posted on how things are going....and I appreciate your support whether you live in my town or read my words across the miles!

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