Wednesday, August 1, 2012

London Olympics Inspiration

As many of you may know, I'm an Olympic-aholic.  I watch as much of it as I can, while still getting other things accomplished.  There is just so much to be learned from the Games and the athletes who participate in them.

It's been this way ever since I was a little girl.  Winter or Summer, it doesn't mattter.  I imagine what it would be like to be one of those athletes and participate in the different sports.  Since I don't know how to swim, I'm fascinated by the swimming races.  And what would it be like to dive off of a 10 meter platform or perform on a balance beam? 

There are life lessons here as well.  Every athlete's story is different...some deal with setbacks with grace and class, teaching us how to overcome adversity.  Others show us how to stay focused when so many different things are going on around you.  And I smile every time an athlete thanks and praises God for their Olympic expereince, good or bad.

This time while watching the Olympics, I'm working out at the same time.  Sometimes I'm doing my step and kettle bells, other times I do something that somewhat resembles one of the sports I'm watching.  My arms, back, and abs are sure getting stronger as I sit sideways on my step, rowing along with the competitors!

So let your inner athlete come out to play during the Olympics - it's so much fun.  Who knows...I may still learn to swim yet!!!

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