Thursday, February 2, 2012

Good Shoes Really Do Make a Difference

It's not like I hadn't heard this before.

For as many articles as I've read on fitness and people I've talked to, I should have realized that my shoes had reached their mileage limit and that it was time to upgrade to a new model.

Since I've started my cardio classes at Extreme Pump It Up Fitness, I've been wondering why my feet hurt so much before I'm even halfway through the session. Part of me wanted to believe that it's because I still have a lot of extra weight putting pressure there, and I'm sure that is still a part of it.

But last week it finally dawned on me that my shoes had been around the block quite a few times. And probably because most of those trips around the block consisted of walking, I didn't notice until I was doing higher impact exercises that these shoes were not giving me enough support.

So I finally got a new pair of shoes. These shoes give me much better support and cushioning to perform the moves that I need to do now. I missed Monday's class because of an 8th grade parents' meeting, but I debuted my new kicks last night to rave reviews - not only from my instructor Sophia, but also from myself as I was able to make it through the entire class without foot pain. The difference was truly like night and day!

I know I had to spend a few bucks on a good pair of shoes, but in the long run I know they will pay for themselves. It would have been more expensive (and painful) to deal with continuous foot pain and possible shin splints from the pounding. Plus, if I'm in pain I'm not performing at my best. That would be a waste of class time and cheating myself out of a better workout. Our time is precious, and we all need to make the most out of every workout and have the ability to perform at our best.

I do still use the old shoes for spin, since they are comfortable and work well with the foot cages. My feet don't go through nearly as much impact on the bike, and this pair will work well until I purchase spin shoes that are just for use on those bikes. That will be another good investment when the time is right.

But I'm glad I didn't hold off any longer on new shoes for my other cardio. The right shoes really do make the if you've been putting it off, replace your shoes to protect your legs and feet!

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