Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Biggest Loser 13 Challenge - Bouncing Back!

I have officially recovered from Super Bowl Sunday.

I got right back up on my horse, so to speak, and trotted toward my goals. I got back into eating healthy foods and drinking water, flushing out the indulgences from the big game. And my exercise was consistent - even on days when I couldn't make the scheduled classes I made sure I still worked out.

It all paid off when I stepped on the scale this morning. I was happy with the 1.6 pound loss. As long as I stay consistent, my weight loss will as well. The key is planning well, and having a back-up plan for days when things come up that are out of your control.

The lesson in planning will serve me well in the coming weeks. I had a job interview last week, and I start Thursday...in less than 2 days. I'm really happy, as we definitely need the money and all of the efforts over the last couple of years job hunting have finally paid off. God was just waiting to hook me up with the right position.

Of course this means adjusting to a new schedule, working full time and balancing my writing and fitness goals with the job. I'm determined to get this novel published, and just as committed to my health goals. I know with plenty of prayer I will find the way to work it all out!

I'm also thrilled to be going into the new job with a good number on the scale, which only helps my confidence level. Everything I need to do can and will be done. And since I've been through the desert on a horse with no name...I'd better come up with one for him! Any ideas?

So it's off to spin before Biggest Loser tonight. How did you do this week?

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