Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Biggest Loser Season 12 Challenge: Week 2

The second week of our #BL12Challenge is complete. As we get ready to watch the 3rd episode tonight, let's reflect on our own personal journeys.

My moment on the scale this morning showed a .4 pound loss. No, it's not much, but still a step in the right direction and puts me at 5 pounds lost so far for the challenge. I know I did well with my exercise this week, but a couple of my food choices could have been better. (Maybe I got too confident when that piece of birthday cake didn't affect me...and tested my body a little too much!) As I move forward this week, I'm going over what I did right and figuring out where I went wrong. I want next week's numbers to be much better!

How about you? Let me know how you did on the challenge this week!

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