Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Biggest Loser 12 Challenge: Week 3!!

We've been doing the #BL12Challenge for 3 weeks now. Hopefully you're seeing results from your switch to healthier habits, and it should be a little easier to give up the bad ones.

My weekly weigh-in was this morning, and I'm down another 1.4 pounds. Definitely better than last week...and I've now lost 6.4 pounds since we started the challenge. I can feel my clothes getting looser and my body getting stronger as the days go on.

Yes, I still have a bad day once in a while, but I pray my way through it. I ask God to help me turn it into a good day instead of letting a rotten mood take over and make things worse. I refuse to let the crappy moments get me down. It's amazing how much better your day can get when you pray and set your mind to positive thoughts!

So - how did you do this week? Leave me a comment and let me know so we can celebrate your progress too!

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