Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 1 of Biggest Loser 12 Challenge: How Did You Do?

The first week of my Biggest Loser Season 12 Challenge is in the books. Last week we set our goals...how much are we going to lose by the finale?

I weighed in this morning feeling pretty confident. I did have one piece of birthday cake at my son's party, but otherwise made smart choices. I had two spin classes and Pilates, in addition to my regular walking routine with a little dancing thrown in. So what do you think my scale told me?

It said "Congratulations!" (Well, it didn't actually speak, even though that would have been cool...yet scary.) I lost another 2.4 pounds this week so I've lost 4.6 so far toward my goal of 30 gone by mid-December.

I'm on my way and feeling better...healthier and more positive about myself.

How about you? How did you do? If you haven't joined my challenge yet you can still post here and set a goal. Let's work toward this together, and we will all be able to celebrate on BL12 finale night!

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