Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sister, Sister: Purple Edition - Biggest Loser Top 2

Purple Reign, Purple Reign...

Sorry Prince, but this is too good to pass up. For the first time ever in Biggest Loser History, a complete team of two sisters are the Top 2 going into the finale. Both Hannah and Olivia are in the running for the $250,000 grand prize, and I am among the happiest of their fans.

All season, these sisters have had their share of A-ha moments and accomplishments, all of which they handled with humor, honesty, and grace. From Hannah's moment of truth backbend to Olivia's aria on the scale, we have laughed and cried with them, cheering as they accomplished what many people told them was impossible. Their detractors were many, especially at the beginning. Many people they knew thought they wouldn't last long on the ranch. They were perceived as weak, and too nice to have what it takes to reach the finals. It is with great pleasure that I can say they've truly proven the naysayers wrong...a thousand times over. They were more of a threat than anyone realized, and stronger than even they knew at first!

One of the main things I love about Team Purple is how they live their faith. It doesn't get shown much onscreen with editing, but if you communicate with Olivia and Hannah via Facebook and Twitter you know what I'm talking about. (And if you are blessed enough to know them in real REALLY know.) They will be the first to tell you that their faith has sustained them throughout this season, and that their strength is not all comes from God. And He is using them is amazing ways to reach millions of people. No matter the final outcome on finale night, it doesn't get any better than that.

Purple is not only the hue of is the color of passion. These sister warriors are sharing their passion with us - for their health, family, friends, and God. I will forever think of Team Purple with this..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) I wish them the best at the finale, and know this strength will be with them throughout their lives. Thank you for the incredible inspiration!

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