Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Biggest Loser Finals - And Final Four!!!

We've been waiting for this all season...and the night finally arrived, but not without its twists and turns. The five remaining contestants had to take their "Finals" before progressing to the Final Four, which was both funny and frustrating. I'm waiting for someone to hear Bob joke that he invented the spin bike, then go to his Wikipedia page because they took it as fact. Of course Bob IS the Spinmaster, so it had to be a little bit intimidating to instruct him as if this were his first time on a bike. Professor Brett cracked me up, as did Cara when she got all up in each contestant's stuff and threatened to punch them in the face. Since I was laughing my butt off at home (that burns calories, right???) I know I would have lost it like Hannah did in the moment. I really loved Jillian's role playing test - of course it's hard to pretend that Jill needs motivation, but the fact that she spoke back to each player what she heard them say about themselves and it connected with them speaks volumes. Makes me want to have a tape recorder to play back whenever I say something negative or stupid to myself!

The sandbagging challenge was interesting...if you follow me on Twitter you saw last night that I mentioned sangbagging is a BAD thing in bowling. If you bowl you know what I mean, but for those of you who are kegler-challenged it means purposely bowling badly to keep your average down so you have an advantage in tournaments. Thankfully this sandbagging was a better kind, and Austin won a one pound advantage for the weigh-in.

Alison presented a major twist at the scale (insert evil scientist laugh here) when she gave Austin the chance to trade his pound for $10,000...and Olivia the chance to trade the $10K she won for Finals for a pound. Both of them kept their original prizes, which just about drove Bob and Jillian off the deep end. I love how Olivia said that the money would be part of a new start for her and her husband, and you never give back a blessing. I also was moved by the confidence she had, knowing she worked out like crazy and feeling that she already did what she needed to do to make the Final Four.

I think I can safely say that the majority of us love all five of the remaining contestants and wish they all could be in the finals. I'm so thrilled for the four that made it, but I couldn't help but cry along with Austin at the scale when he only lost one pound. His advantage made that two, but it still didn't help. He and Hannah fell below and he was sent home. He didn't stay down for long though...he is going to schools and teaching kids about healthy foods and getting enough exercise. That makes him a winner in my book!

Austin said something during the episode that really resonates with me - there has to be a reason for every calorie that you put into your body. If we think about it enough, it will help us turn down the sugar and junk because there is no good reason for ingesting them. I wish Austin more success in the future and congratulate the Final Four!!!

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