Please come along on my journey of faith, health and wellness...there is no excuse not to take care of yourself, no matter your size!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Biggest Loser 15 - Fiery Fall Finale
This is a first for The Biggest Loser.
This season, which began in September, will not end with the usual December finale, which gave past contestants some room to relax over Christmas. Their seasons were done, so New Year's truly began the next chapter of their lives.
The Season 15 contestants won't have that breathing room. Tonight was the fall finale, with the next part of the season to start again in January. So if they want to keep their eyes on the prize, they need to keep the Christmas cookies and eggnog out of sight. Their season begins in one year but continues into then next.
On tonight's episode, we get an update on Bobby, who was eliminated last week. He's lost over 90 pounds so far, and had the courage to speak with his father about coming out. He was pleasantly surprised to find out that his dad supports him all the way no matter what and is proud of him. But being Biggest Loser, this may not be the last we've seen of Bobby...
Alison informs the players that the game is now moving to singles, and they each receive shirts with their new individual colors. They then participate in the "Ring of Fire" challenge - each of them must support a rod that weighs 20 percent of their body weight in the middle of a ring to determine their endurance. If they waiver and the rod touches the ring, it bursts into flames and they're out of the challenge. The last one standing gets a 1 pound advantage at the weigh-in. After over an hour and a half, Rachel wins the challenge along with the coveted advantage. There is a double elimination this week, so this pound might make all of the difference between staying and leaving.
Ali also mentions a special challenge for those who make it to the last week on the ranch...they will participate in the first Biggest Loser triathlon, where the winner will earn an automatic spot into the finals. Rachel really wants to make it to the tri - especially because she wants to show what made her a champion swimmer in the past and reclaim athletic glory.
The trainers are enjoying this switch to singles, because they now get to work with all of the players instead of just their own teams. Dolvett is proud of Matt for how far he's come in the past 10 weeks, and Jillian has another talk with David, who gives himself permission to let go of the past and become who he's always known he's supposed to be.
Bob works with Jennifer, who has trouble getting over her fear of the box jump. (I have to admit...that would be an intimidating move for me as well!) Afterward when she's recovering from the workout, she is angry with herself for failing and bursts into tears, worried that she will revert back to old habits and negative self-talk. Bob tells her not to beat herself up, and to congratulate herself for confronting the fear and moving past the negative to the positive. Jen feels somewhat better and throws herself into the remaining workouts.
Jay and David decide to exact a little "revenge" on Rachel for beating them in the challenge, and she suggests a pool race. They give themselves a head start to win, knowing that she's an excellent swimmer and they probably wouldn't be able to best her in the pool. Rachel is a good sport though, and she delivers them breakfast in bed...from Subway, of course!
When it's time for the moment of truth on the scale, both Hap and Matt fall below the red line and are eliminated. Alison, however, tells them they may not be leaving just yet. The two of them, along with all of the other eliminated contestants, will compete to win back a spot on the ranch and back into the game. With that announcement, all of those already eliminated march back into the gym, ready for another chance.
What will happen in this new twist? Tune in on January 7th to find out. I already can't wait to see who makes it back onto the ranch!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Biggest Loser 15 - A Long Trip Home and a "Double Elimination"
After Holley was eliminated at the end of last week's emotional episode, Alison told everyone that someone else would be going home. They thought it might be a double elimination.
It turned out that they were wrong...but in strange way, there was still a double elimination - so to speak.
Ali was right about someone else going home, but only for a week with their trainer. After a spin of the wheel with each player's picture on it, it landed on Jay. Jillian would be going home to Missouri with him, and his weight would be the only one that counted this week for the white team. The other teams would still count everyone's weight. Jay was thrilled...Jillian, not so much. She worried about leaving Marie and Tumi without a trainer, and of course all of the pressure on Jay to pull a big number to keep them all safe. She needn't have worried TOO much.
On the ranch, Dolvett put his team through an NFL training camp style workout to motivate them. On top of that, he had Ruben's old high school football jersey sent over to for extra inspiration. They were both thrilled that it fit again now, and Ruben worked hard to remember the athlete he used to be years ago.
Speaking of former athletes - Rachel was a state champion swimmer in high school, and had received scholarship offers from many different colleges. She chose her boyfriend over that opportunity, and regretted it ever since, especially when they broke up and she was left all alone to think about what she had given up for him. That was when she turned to food for comfort. Dolvett got her back into the pool to swim laps and timed her. Her first results was decent, but nowhere near her times in the past. The competitor in her came out, and she kept going until she improved her time over and over again. Dolvett was happy to see her get some of her old fighting spirit back. (Hmm...I wonder what ever happened to that old boyfriend? I'm glad Rachel is choosing what's best for HERSELF now!)
Bob trained both the blue team and the white team, saying that Jillian would have done the same for his team if he'd had to go home with one of his players for a week. Tumi and Marie were worried about keeping up with Bob at first, but realized they were stronger than they thought. I love that Bob had Jill's back this week!
Meanwhile, Jillian met Jay's family and friends, then took to torturing him in the barn using various farm equipment and his body weight to get good workouts. He showed her around the family farm, then explained how not long after his parents got divorced, the family home burned to the ground. He's been trying to move forward without ever taking time to grieve, but Jill got him to admit that it felt like he had died along with his parents' marriage and home. They really bonded, and Jill was finally glad that she made the trip with him, acknowledging that everything happens for a reason.
The two of them got back in time for the weigh-in, where it was revealed that Jay lost 12 pounds and definitely kept his team safe. The other two teams had weird numbers, but in the end the red team had to send someone home. Ruben fell below the red line and was eliminated, making it a double elimination for him. He was sent home for the second (and I believe final) time, and next week we'll learn how he's been doing at home. (As for Holley, things are going well and she's starting to compete at weightlifting again...lifting even more than she did before!)
Next week also promises to be interesting on the scale, and with a possible Jillian meltdown. I wonder why? I guess we'll find out in a few days!