Please come along on my journey of faith, health and wellness...there is no excuse not to take care of yourself, no matter your size!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Weathering Sandy
Unless you live under a rock, you know all about the hurricane/superstorm that was Sandy. It affected many states, including Ohio. We lost cable/internet for more than 2 days, so I've been catching up on everything since. I finally have a chance to blog!
I'm thankful we didn't lose electricity, although my husband's work and my spin studio (both on the same street) lost power for 2 days. Yet I realize that people in New York,New Jersey, and beyond had it a LOT worse than we did. So many people still need help from the storm, especially since a winter storm followed it about a week later. I'm thankful it wasn't as bad here as it was there, and praying for those still without power and who lost loved ones and homes.
Even without being able to spin for a little while, I found ways to work out indoors during the bad weather. And it paid off when I went to my monthly checkup and discovered I lost four more pounds. It shows that you can get through the stress and unknown, and still come out a winner. All it takes it a little faith and a lot of prayer!
So Sandy is teaching all of us about included. What has Sandy taught you? Feel free to share here!