Please come along on my journey of faith, health and wellness...there is no excuse not to take care of yourself, no matter your size!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Help For Eating Disorders

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
More HUGE Thoughts and Feelings

Monday, June 28, 2010
HUGE Premiere...How Do You Feel?

Remember to Watch, Read...and Live HUGE!

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming

Friday, June 25, 2010
I'm A Size Active!

Thursday, June 24, 2010
HUGE Inspiration

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What Is Wellness???

Monday, June 21, 2010
My Attitude Adjustment

Friday, June 18, 2010
Scale Tales Part 2 - No Obsessing!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Move To The Music...Playlist!

Monday, June 14, 2010
Overcoming The New Scale Blues

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Losing It With Jillian: Good For Body And Soul

I loved the first family so much last week on Losing It With Jillian, and I didn't think it was possible to top that. I was wrong! I love this week's family even more. Jillian is in Massachusetts again, this time with a family of 3. Deb is a single mom to 12 year old daughter Isabella and 10 year old son Jordan. Their husband/dad died of a heart attack 5 1/2 years ago at age 53. Ironically, Deb had finally gotten him to go to a marriage counselor with her because she believed his obesity was causing problems for the family. He had the heart attack and passed away right there in the counselor's office.
Ever since then, Deb seems like she has just given up on life. At her physical with the doctor, she discovers the she is now more than 100 pounds overweight herself. Her kids think she has turned into a female version of their father, and that makes her even more depressed. Jillian calls them to meet her at the gym, and every time she asks Deb to do something the first words out of her mouth are "I can't". This of course drives Jillian up the wall and she really lays into her about getting her life back and making sure that her kids don't lose another parent.
When they all arrive back at the house, Jillian finds a complete mess. It really looks like a hurricane blew through the house. Every single room has stuff piled and scattered all over the place, and it's difficult to even walk around. Jillian sees the room where she is supposed to sleep, and decides she'd better stay at a motel until it is livable. Deb admits she doesn't clean and is stressed out being the only one around to take care of her kids. Jillian tells her that she deserves better than this. The next day she takes Deb back to the gym while Izzy and Jordan clean their own rooms. Jillian knows Deb needs to have a breakthrough, or else her weight and the house will wind up a mess again after she leaves. Deb sobs and screams how she is tired of having to do everything by herself. Jillian mentions that the messy house is a symbol of what is broken inside of her.
After getting the house in order, Jillian tells the kids that they should be doing kid stuff and having fun. They go off to do just that while Jillian visits Deb at work. Her boss is a sweetheart and really wants to help. He shows Jillian an old picture of himself when he was overweight. Several people in the office go running together 3 days a week and are training for a 5K. Jillian loves this, and she gets Deb to commit to running with her coworkers.
Izzy gets really mad at Jillian for yelling at her mom, and they have a talk. Izzy is totally overwhelmed by the extra resposibility place on her since her dad died. Jillian puts a weighted vest on her, and Deb asks why. After Jillian lets her think about it, Deb shouts out that she should be the one carrying the weight instead. She realizes just how much she has put on her daughter's shoulders and apologizes. Izzy is interested in dance, so Jillian takes her and her mom to an African Tribal Dance class to try it out. They really enjoy it and it's something they can bond over. Of course Jillian teaches them healthier cooking, and she wants to make sure that when she leaves Deb can use her power and confidence to keep moving forward. They all go canoeing, and Jillan has a megaphone that she passes around to each family member to shout out their goals. Izzy wants to encourage her mom and lose some weight herself. JIllian tells her at that age she shouldn't focus on the scale, but just start making healthy choices and the weight will come off. Izzy decides to join her school's running club as a positive step in the right direction. Jordan vows to be a more responsible 10 year old. Deb's plans are to lose 30 pounds, run the 5K, and get off her diabetes medications. Jilliam reminds them that failure is NOT an option here!
Jillian comes back six weeks later to run the 5K with Deb and her coworkers. The kids are there to cheer everyone on. Jillian hands out pink T-shirts that have "Team Deb" on them for everyone to wear. Since Deb has a knee injury everyone wonders if she can finish the race, but Jillian is impressed with how Deb pushes through everything to complete the 5K. She's lost 32 pounds and should be off her diabetes meds within a month. The whole family looks healthier and happier, and they now know that anything is possible. Jillian presents them with a check for $50,000 to help out, courtesy of jillianmichaels.com.
This show inspires me so much, because in the real world we are not competing in gameplay to win a big prize. We are competing against ourselves to live our best lives. Not only am I motivated healthwise, but it's time to clean out the unnecessary stuff in my house! Even though my place is not anywhere near the disaster area that Deb's house was, there is still too much stuff around that we never use. It's finally time to have that garage sale and also donate items to people that need them. Now I look forward even more to Jillian's next family, and what else we will learn about life!
Monday, June 7, 2010
First Monday of June...Stay Motivated!

Friday, June 4, 2010
Drink This...NOT That!!!

The weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer...in some locations it's already downright sweltering. Summer is my favorite season...far away from snow shoveling, icy roads, and wind chills below zero. The warmer it is, the better I feel.
When it's this hot outside, we look for ways to cool off. This can take many forms, from swimming to air conditioning. The easiest way to refresh is an ice cold drink of some sort. If you're a coffee lover like I am, you are probably switching from a hot cup of java to something iced. What's better than a way to cool off combined with your caffeine for the day?
The problem is, a lot of these iced coffee drinks are filled with fat, calories, and sugar. In some cases you'd be better off drinking a milkshake or eating dessert than drinking a fancy iced coffee. One thing I do is make my own at home most of the time, where I can control what goes into it. Then I treat myself occasionally to one of those other coffees...just not too often.
If you don't make your own or you're on the road a lot and have to stop for coffee, you have to be really careful what you get. Men's Health put together a list of the worst coffee drinks at several chains, along with the better alternatives. You can check out this list at http://eatthis.menshealth.com/content/worst-frozen-coffee-drinks and see for yourself.
Don't sabotage your healthy eating plan unknowingly by drinking down a day's worth of calories in one sitting. You can choose wisely and still have your iced coffee!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Losing It With Jillian - Premiere

I hope you got to catch the premiere episode of Losing It With Jillian last night. If not, I highly recommend that you watch the episode online when it goes up at NBC. In fact, I must insist that you watch it, and I dare you not to be moved to tears.
Jillian will move in with a different family each week for 5 days, and in that short amount of time she has to turn their lives around for the better...dealing with their fitness and emotional issues. This week she is in Massachusetts, and the first thing we see is Jillian in her car, calling the family to let them know that she would meet them at the gym in 20 minutes. Everyone in the house is screaming, and daughter Michelle is so cute when she apologizes for screaming in Jillian's ear. Soon she is at the gym and meeting all of the family members: Dad Jim, mom Agnes, son Michael, daughter Michelle, and Michelle's fiance Jordan. This whole set up was Michelle's idea, since her wedding is a couple of months away and she would like her parents to feel better about themselves on the big day.
Before Jillian arrived, the whole family was seen by a doctor and evaluated. Jim and Agnes both need to lose about 100 pounds, and Michael needs to lose less than that, but still quite a bit. Michelle is thin...she had gastric bypass surgery and has kept the weight off. Jim also had the surgery, but he gained all of his weight back. Michelle still has some health issues to deal with though, more than she probably even thought she did.
At the gym, Jillian immediately starts working them all out. Michael and Michelle do pretty well, but their parents have a really hard time. They both stop, and Jillian says it's the fastest she's ever seen anyone quit on themselves. She tells them if they're going to quit then she's going to leave, and she walks outside. Michelle urges her parents to go after Jillian and bring her back in, because they need to change their lives. They get her to come back into the gym, and she enlists Michelle to help her drive her parents to work harder.
At their house, Jillian gets to see what they eat for dinner. Michelle does the cooking, and it's heavy Italian food...breaded, fried, swimming in oil and butter, and gigantic portions. I don't feel too well myself watching this stuff being cooked. Michelle admits that she's the enabler, but she cooks this way for the family because her dad tells her what to make. They also tell Jillian that they don't eat vegetables, and if there's anything green in the refrigerator it must be because of mold. Yikes!
Jillian is quite disgusted, and the next morning she takes Michelle grocery shopping to teach her about picking healthy foods. They purchase a lot of produce and lean meats. After they get home, Jillian takes Agnes on a walk to talk to her and get her to open up about anything that's bothering her. Agnes tells her that she had another son, Jim Jr., who only lived for a month and a day. The only time she ever got to hold him without tubes attached was as he passed away. Every time she would try to get Jim to talk about it, he said he couldn't. Neither of them got to grieve properly over Jimmy, and he didn't even have a headstone at the cemetery. Jillian got the whole family together to finally talk about this tragedy in their lives that happened over 20 years ago. They all decided it was time to get a headstone for Jimmy...and to talk to each other about their feelings and not keep everything bottled up inside.
Back at the gym, Jillian gives Agnes the chance to be empowered. She teaches Agnes how to push her husband in his workouts. Jillian literally jumps for joy when she watches Agnes really give it to Jim! (I love it!) Then the whole family got to go the bridal and tuxedo shops to get fitted for the wedding. Jim discovers that he needs to lose at least 3 inches to fit into the largest tux, and Michael also commits to losing weight before the wedding. Agnes tries on dresses, but hates how she looked in all of them. She also makes the commitment to lose some weight before the big day. The trip ends with a happy moment, as Michelle models her wedding dress for her parents. There is a lot of crying, but these are happy tears.
At dinner that night, they tell Jillian about the shopping trip. Jim beams with pride as he tells Jillian how beautiful Michelle was in her dress. Michelle makes a comment about being the bride with the saggiest arms, and Jillian calls her out on it right then and there...telling her how she ruined the moment for her dad by being so down on herself. Michelle and Jillian discuss how Michelle still sees the fat girl when she looks in the mirror, and that she still doesn't see herself as beautiful. (I can relate to that...when I originally lost all my weight I had the same problem.) They work on Michelle's perception of herself, knowing that just because you look good on the outside doesn't mean that you feel that way on the inside.
After 5 days Jillian has to leave, but not without plenty of tears from everyone, including her. She comes back 6 weeks later for Michelle's wedding. She is thrilled to see how good everyone looks, and how much happier they are. Jim, Agnes, and Michael all lost quite a bit of weight...Jim lost 48 pounds! Michelle says when she walks down the aisle that she finally sees herself as a beautiful person. They all plan to stay with their healthy new lifestyle and make their lives even better.
I have to say, even though I love Biggest Loser, this show is really something special. You get to see all sides of Jillian...not just the trainer who yells at you, but the compassionate, caring side as well. It's also a pleasure to watch her work with people who are not in a competition with each other, only with themselves. Nobody has to worry about "playing the game". Jillian knows that to be a healthy person you have to deal with the outisde and the inside. I can't wait to watch next week, and see what happens with the next family!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
ACTIVE Holiday Weekend!!!